Daily Inspiration #173 by Miguel Angel Prieto

Hi, Steve,

I attach you two of my favourites pictures. The first one was was taken with a Leica M3 with a “rigid” 50mm f2 summicron lens in Fp4 film. The second one was taken with a 5D MkII and a rokkor f.1.2 58mm lens.

I hope you like them.

my site is www.framed.es

and Flickr HERE.

Best regards.

Miguel Angel Prieto

This third one was taken with a Canon 5D MKii and a 50mm 1.8


  1. The second shot is my favorite, too. Makes me want to dig out my old Minolta gear. Great photos!

  2. Comments like Jorgen’s sadden me. That’s just fanboy-ism and nothing else. No objectivity whatsoever. Bob Bowne has it right: objectively speaking (regardless of subject matter), the 2nd shot is the best one. The first shot, while certainly interesting, has weak mid-tones, almost no shadow detail, and comparing tonal gradation to the second image is pointless. But no, it was shot with a Leica so it *has* to be better.

    I bet you if the second pic was shown in a “blind test” and it was presented as an example of Leica’s creamy image quality, you’d rave about it.

  3. I like the fact that Steve posts so many varying types of image and equipment info on the site. He takes some serious flak sometimes…but I love that he sticks his neck out.
    That being said…I have a lot of experience in photography…and I have to say…strictly from a technical standpoint (sharpness, tonal range, luminescence etc.), not the image itself…I have to agree with Elaine (although, I like the composition too) that I really like number two.
    To me …the first shot (Leica…Smeica)..although interesting is muddy, flat and lack “any” tone in the shadow. The “image” is interesting…definitely…but it doesn’t “shine” like the second one.
    Miguel…so you adapted an old Minolta Rokkor 58mm f/1.2 to a 5DMark II. Stunning.
    You made me research that one (my first camera was a Minolta SRT 101)…Someone is actually making a kit to convert the lens…but you have to be crafty to nail the infinity focus down well….I am always learning something here.
    Thanks, Miguel.

  4. I like the second one the best, but all three of these are nice B&W shots. My fave though is the second. Great job, Miguel. What I like about the third one is the Photo Booth. It reminds me of Amelie movie and the Photo Booth we have here in Northampton, Massachusetts. I’ve always loved going into them for candid shots. The one in Northampton shoots B&W, but I’ve seen booths that shoot color too. There is a cool book out about Photo Booth pictures too. It’s here:


    Thanks for sharing! Love the M3 camera.

    • I love my M3 too!

      Yes, I also like photobooths, there’s a “halo” of mystery in them, and that’s what caught my eye when I took that picture. I’m glad you like it.

      The book you recommended is very interesting, by the way…

    • I love my M3 too!

      I think some photo booths has a “halo” of mystery, that’s what caught my eye when I took this picture.

      I found very interesting the book you recommended, thanks.

    • Actually, one of the shots you called “Leica” is “Canon”. There’s two “canon” and one “Leica”, anyway, that’s not the important thing, I think 😉

      • Haha, switch the s around in that case 😛 It’s what I meant to write, anyway 😉

  5. Miguel, just like Armanius, I like the second picture a lot. I also find that you have some truly exceptional photographs on your website. This is some great visual communication!

    • I finally went to the website, and there are indeed LOTS of great photos. In fact, there are a quite a few that I’d consider more interesting and captivating than the three here. Definitely a website that deserves more attention!

      Well done Miguel!

        • The very first photo is very captivating – the one w/ the woman, child, viewing the photos in the point and shoot. I also like the photo w/ the man covering his face as if he is tired or having a long day. Or maybe he’s hiding his face. Another one I like is the old lady with the dog. I like street photography — particularly the photos that invoke a reaction from the viewer and that makes the viewer go “hmmm … “

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos Miguel. I like the second photo the best. I like how the graininess of the photo adds to the texture of the sidewalk.

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