Street Portraits from Dubai to Hong Kong with a Leica Q by Caesar Lima

Street Portraits from Dubai to Hong Kong with a Leica Q

by Caesar Lima

5 countries, 11 cities, 21 days, one camera and only one lens, that was my challenge. I had a Leica Q and 2 batteries 24/7 everywhere all the time. From the streets of modern Dubai and Singapore to the charismatic and overwhelming India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Hong Kong.


I met genuine people who allowed me to photograph them and most of the time with a smile. I tried to portray what they do and how they live, their contradictions and their similarities

The Leica Q exceded in every way, shooting on busy streets, hundreds of people. Everywhere the camera was always on since photo opportunities don’t last long and require instant reaction.

I love the Q because I can shoot using only one hand if needed +/- button is accessible next to my thumb and the loop grip keeps the camera very secure in my hand. The camera is very responsive, quick focus and has a super reliable performance. The images are amazing… I’m very impressed.

more images @

The Q is available at Ken Hansen (email:, or B&H Photo


  1. Thanks so much for this post. Many really good photos! I got my Q last week and I am as impressed as you are. Steve has another post where the reviewer clearly favors the new SONY RX1 II over the Q, but no way. Sure, maybe on paper, but not in real shooting situations. I’ve owned many many film and digital cameras (yes, I still have a SONY RX1), and the Q is perhaps the best real-world street camera I’ve ever owned or shot with. Thanks again.

  2. Love’em all ! I want a Q!

    #15 with 3 women + 2 kids looks like you did manage to finish the editing?
    There’s a light ‘glow’ in some areas around the women and especially the head on the kid to the right in the picture?

  3. Gorgeous shots – I really enjoyed all of them. I think the first two and the one of the man carrying the trolley behind him are my favourites. All are excellent. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. I’m amazed at how you use the 28mm FOV. I’d never have thought of it for portraits!! Beautiful.

  5. Work like this is one of the reasons I keep coming back to Steve’s site day after day. Well done. Thank you.

  6. Thanks for sharing. Great images. But I was disappointed in the quality, especially the resolution which is supposed to be so good on this camera. But alas, I remembered Steve’s warning to click on the images to see the full size! How silly. Makes all the difference in the world. If anyone else forgot about this, please go back and click on each image. Outstanding resolution and color. Apart from the camera, the subject matter and framing are quite good. Makes me want to visit.

  7. Some really nice candid street work Caesar!

    Absolutely LOVE the one of the old woman reading the book! Such an expressive portrait and just love the colour and tone as well…

    Keep up the good work 🙂

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