365 Moments by Ivan Holmedal

365 Moments

by Ivan Holmedal

Hello again Steve.

Thanks again for posting my first article, “Visiting Chernobyl with the Leica M9“. That was about a year ago and I’m glad to see your site has grown since then. Your passion is still top-notch!

Well, this is my project..

It was a couple of days before new year´s eve in 2012 that I got the idea to shoot one picture every day in 2013, and publish it on my website the same day. I called the project “365 Moments”.

This kind of project has been done a lot of times before by others, but I wanted to try this myself and try to make interesting pictures every day. This proved to be harder than expected.

Especially those days you´re not inspired and just want to go straight from work to a comfy couch. I think everyone can relate to that somehow. But most of the days I find both inspiration and good subjects to photograph!

As I’m writing this I have shot and published 200 pictures in 200 days. I sit and think back I’m proud that I have come so far, without giving up, or even forgotten to take a picture!

In a project you often have some sort of limitation, like only one camera or a special lens. My only limitation has been that i had to publish a new picture, taken the same day, every day in 2013. To achieve I can use all my photographic equipment. The cameras I’ve used so far is; Sony A99, Leica M9 (now sold), FujiX100s, Sony RX100, Olympus E-PL2 and my iPhone 4s. I also plan to publish a picture taken with my M6; shoot, develop the film, scan and publish the best one. I will have to spend the whole day on that one! 🙂

At the end of the project I will make a book with all the pictures and descriptions. I´m not sure if I will make the book public, but the pictures can for sure be found on my webpage.

The selected pictures are from all the cameras I’ve used so far in the project, and some of the ones I like best. It wasn’t easy to pick a few from 200 pictures 🙂

It would be cool if you want to follow the project until the end. I hope I can inspire others with this project.

You can see all pictures taken so far on my webpage:


I also update my Facebook page (feel free to like!) with pictures from this project:


#17 (20130117_OlympusEPL2.jpg) This is taken with the Olympus E-PL2 and a Holga lens. This lens has a fixed aperture f8. Focal length is 60mm, equivalent 120 at this camera. Shot at 1/100s at ISO800.


#22 (20130122_RX100.jpg) I used the Sony RX100 on this one. This is the library in the city of Bergen. 24mm (10.4mm). 1/400s at f1.8. ISO 3200.

#61 (20130302_SonyA99.jpg). This is shot at the Faroe Islands. Great place with high cliffs, cool landscape and nice people! We did a little twist on the pictures with a borrowed mask the last day. Good times. Sony A99, Zeiss 24-70mm lens at 30mm. 1/250s at f8, ISO200.

#63 (20130304_IPhone4s.jpg). This was shot at one of those non inspiring days, the day after I got home from the Faroe Islands. This is the light rail transit in Bergen, shot behind a broken glass. Shot with my iPhone on my way to the local supermarket. Took me 5 min to shoot and edit with Camera+ app.

#97 (20130407_LeicaM9.jpg). This is a portrait of my son, soon to be 10 years old. Shot with my now sold Leica M9 and the Summilux 50mm. 1/3000s at f 1.4. ISO200.

#100 (20130410_LeicaM9.jpg). Some nudes chatting? 🙂 Shot with the Leica M9 and Summilux 50mm. 1/250s at f2. ISO200.

#146 (20130526_FujiX100s.jpg). Night shot with the lovely Fuji X100s. This is at the island I grew up on, outside the city of Aalesund. 30s exposure at f16 with the ND filter on. ISO200.

#154 (20130603_SonyA99.jpg). A macro shot with the Sony A99 and a old Minolta 50mm macro lens. I won a competition on IShotIt site with this picture 🙂 1/2000s at f5.6. ISO800.

#158 (20130607_SonyA99.jpg). Another macro shot, Sony A99 with the Minolta macro lens. Macro in black and white is just cool 🙂 1/200s at f2.8. ISO1600.

#178 (20130627_FujiX100s.jpg). I met Max the dog and his owner at the beach in Brighton a few weeks ago. Love dogs 🙂 Shot with Fuji X100s. 1/2000 at f4. ISO200. I also love the X100s 🙂

#186 (20130705_SonyA99.jpg). The cloud opens! This is typical light at the west coast of Norway. Sony A99 and a Samyang 85mm f1.4 lens. This lens is all manual, works great with focus peaking. 1/350s, ISO200. Cant remember the aperture.

Best regards

Ivan Holmedal




  1. As someone who used to shoot everyday for a living (newspapers), I see your mission as very ambitious and I applaud you! Good luck on your adventure!!

    • Hey Rich and thanks for the positive comment! Well, as you must know, I don´t have the inspiration every day, and a few days has been hard. But when I get my ass out in the open, with the camera in my hand, the inspiration comes. Sometimes I give myself a limitation, only one lens, only my IPhone or a specific camera. As for this week, i´m going for a theme; “Details of..”. Today it was rust. You can see the result here:

      Cheers 🙂

  2. Great post. Some really terrific photos. And the irony for me, as an M9, Ikon, full frame guy… is that my favorite pic was the train shot with the iPhone.

    • Thanks Jim! I´m a full frame guy myself, as I´m used to 35mm, and own the A99. Before I used Canon 5D for 3-4 years 🙂 The M9 is a great camera!
      In small format I think IPhone makes decent pictures if you are careful in the post processing.

      Just bought a medium format (6×6) camera, so I´ll see how that goes 😀

  3. Great pictures!

    I actually went to your web site and looked through the entire project. A lot of impressive work there 🙂

    (Selv om det kanskje var litt mye fra Bergen)

  4. Nice photos. I think you should enter Max, the dog, in an iShot dog photo contest. It is a very unique photo. I love the string of water falling off Max’s tail.

    • Hello David! Great that you like em. The Max shot I should give it a go in IShotIt contest 🙂 I think this is my best dog picture. I like the tail and water also! Cheers 🙂

  5. Ivan, this was a nice serie! I find your photos really well balanced, peaceful, especially the first one appeals to my imagination, it is dreamlike and remind about the beauty in the misty Norwegian weather, so it makes me a bit homesick. Also the dog is very lively and captivating.

  6. Nice work! I like especially #100 and 158. It seems to me that you have an eye to catch nice composition. Good luck!

    • Thanks James, took that one with no inspiration at all.. just back from travel. I think in small formats phone pictures are ok, I have been thinking of making a small blurb (blurb.com) book with my IPhone pictures, in small format 🙂

      Thanks again and cheers 🙂

  7. Really like your selection. Definitely inspired me to keep my eyes open and notice things more. Perhaps start a similar project myself to help me on days I lose motivation to shoot. Hmm do I wait (procrastinate) until the new year or just start now…

    • Thanks Oliver! And I´m glad I can inspire. You know, my project started out with a impulsive thought. And I think it has formed it self along the way.
      You could to a week project? Lets say a 10 week project of portraits or something, and then see if you want to do a whole year? You can also do a 52 weeks project 🙂
      Give it a thought, I´m sure you´ll come up with a good idea 🙂

  8. In #146 I can’t help but wonder what the difference in the picture would be if you had walked to the right and put the light right between the boat and the dock? What would that do to the picture? I ask because that’s what I would have done, but I am still new to photography and want to learn.

    • Good questions, Grant! I like that 🙂
      Well, I took a few shots, from different angles, like between the boats and also your choice; between the boats and the dock. I think that would have worked out, but I cant actually remember why I actually chose this one 🙂 I think when the line/reflection hits the boat, the focus gets more definite, as thats where you first look at the picture, and where you get back to after looking around. Little hard to explain, but first point of interest for observer.
      I think between the dock and boats would also have worked, but maybe not as strong point of interest? 🙂

      Cheers 🙂

  9. Ivan, nice work. I like that you’re open to anything that catches your eye — lots of variety.
    The trains was very imaginative.
    My favourite is the dog — you can almost _smell_ him from the photo! :^) Cheers.

    – Peter from Montreal

    • Thanks Peter, appreciate your kind words! It was hard to choose the shots from the lot.
      I´ve come to number 214 now.
      The dog was shot in Rottingdean (just outside Brighton). Came to chat with a man and his dog, I love dogs 🙂 Pointed my X100s towards the dog when he came back in from a short swim, and took a few shots and half looked at the screen. Low point of view. A lucky shot, but I got what I wanted 🙂

      Cheers, Peter!

  10. I like so much that Night shot with the Fuji x100s .I would like to download that picture and use it like wallpaper of my pc . Also like the dog picture 🙂

    • Thanks Alan! Well, about the M9, probably the best camera I´ve used. I also have the M6 and I really want to use film more. In Norway I felt the M9 prices went down, and took the opportunity to sell it. Miss it though. Now I use the X100s a lot!

    • Thanks a lot Melu! I try to make different pictures, also in each category. It helps to inspire myself to shoot something different, look for something special. Cheers!

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