Hello to all! For the past 5+ years I have been running this website and it has grown to beyond my wildest dreams. Some days this very website has over 200,000 visitors and as many as 1500 at any one given moment. Because of this I need and use super fast dedicated web servers to host the site. Running this site costs quite a bit of cash every single month and on top of that, I work full time 60+ hours a week on it each and every single day of the week (I received 200-300 emails a DAY). Because of this, I need YOUR help to cover my costs for this FREE information that is provided on a daily basis. This is not a paid subscription site, so no money is exchanged for the information here.

To help out it is simple. 

If you ever decide to make a purchase from B&H Photo or Amazon, for ANYTHING, even can help me without spending a penny to do so. If you use my links to make your purchase (when you click a link here and it takes you to B&H or Amazon, that is using my links as once there you can buy anything and I will get a teeny small credit) you will in turn be helping this site to keep on going and keep on growing.

Not only do I spend money on fast hosting but I also spend it on cameras to buy to review, lenses to review, bags to review, gas and travel, and a slew of other things. You would be amazed at what it costs me just to maintain this website. Many times I give away these items in contests to help give back you all of YOU.

So all I ask is that if you find the free info on this website useful AND you ever need to make a purchase at B&H Photo or Amazon, just use the links below. You can even bookmark the Amazon link and use it anytime you buy something. It costs you nothing extra but will provide me and this site with a dollar or two to keep on trucking along.

AMAZON LINK (you can bookmark this one)

B&H PHOTO LINK – This one will not work by bookmarking it. 

You can also follow me on Facebook, TwitterGoogle + or YouTube. 😉 You can also help out by writing a guess post or review on a piece of gear you love and adore. If interested in this, just send me an email here.

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