Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! I love lazy Sundays…laying in bed for a while longer, enjoying the sun peeking through the blinds and even a picture or two later in the day 🙂 Todays Daily Inspiration comes from David Schmidt who shoots with a Leica M8U (upgraded to M8.2 specs). You can see more at his smugmug page here.
I take pictures every day. For me, it’s a form of meditation. Bills, kids, stress, all wash away when I have my camera in my hands.
I really don’t try to find shots so much as letting the shot find me. Then, its like Henri Cartier-Bresson once said “Aim well, shoot fast, and scram”. Lately however, I find myself engaging more with my subjects and then capturing them for who they are. Either way, the joy of capturing a moment in time that tells a story is immensely rewarding for me.
Having been a student of photography since I was fourteen years old, starting with a Canon TL QL, and developing my own film in the basement, up to today shooting a Leica M8.u. I still find myself a student of photography.
I hope to forever be the student, as I attempt to capture the light and create an image.
See more at Davids website portfolio HERE.
very classic stuff David.. Very relaxing images…
well done.
Really like these David 🙂 There’s so much going on with these characters.
Great pics all 3 of them, especially the last 1
How about the M9 ? i am sure you would love the 9 version.
What kind of lenses do you use
I would love an M9 one of these days Danny. All the shots you see here were shot with my 50 Lux.
Great subject choice and angles, different feel to them. Really impressive.
Beautiful images. All three are very engaging leaving a sense of wonder. Nice work.
Great pictures David, I checked out your web gallery as well and the photographs are just wonderful. Well done!