Back to the Leica M9 Monochrome by Dan Bar

Hey Steve

As you know I just got back from Germany and of course visited Wetzlar πŸ™‚
In the lst 20 years I shot all Leica M cameras until I got to the M10 which I simply love, and know for sure this is the best Leica M yet, but as you I never stopped missing the Leica M9M { Monochrom) with its CCD sensor. The unique feel of looking at the world differently. Yes we can convert to B&W but this simply does not give the joy one gets from shooting with a digital\film Monochrome camera.
So when Michel Razafimahefa called me and told me they found a great Leica M9M I immediately asked him if he could keep it for me until I came.
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The camera is simply beautiful in mint condition, with the new sensor , and everything has been checked by Leica experts, the only problem was it was silver. I love black Ms but that was a minor concession so i bought it :). Now I had two cameras with only one lens and as I am trying to ease my neck I decided to buy the light and beautiful 28 ElmaritΒ  and attach it to the M9M. I knew the M9M needs a quicker lens for bad light condition but then I can always use the M10 when needed.
As I already mentioned a few times I also have pain in my neck and shoulders when carrying the camera the whole day , so when I read Mr Thomas Ludwig makes a different kind of camera bag seated on the hip instead of the shoulder and since I was there for a convention I met with Thomas who is a great guy (I agree with Steve here) and we spent one day together, and I tried the Cosyspeed for a few hours.
What can I say, I simply forgot the bag was there, the bag has a lot of advantages but what matters to me is the option of carrying it without back\neck pain and at the same time being able to carry 2 more batteries, 2 cards and a cleaning cloth.
Β –
I shot very little photos this time mainly because it was so cold , minus 2-4.
Me with the Cosyspeed Bag

I dont always go to churches but this was a great escape from the cold so I did, and in one church I was amazed to see only ethiopian prayers , so I stayed ther for more than an hour and took photos with my new lovely M9M ( lucky me).
The few shots attached where taken with the M10 & M9M , the 50 APO Cron and the 28 Elmarit 2.8.


  1. Dan, great images but they are overexposed compared to your usual! πŸ˜‰

    Congratulations on the M9M. Found an M10 for a significant discount and still could not bear to part from the M9M. I suspect that long after other digital M’s are paperweights, this one will hold its own.

  2. I notice how you use the same exposure style in mono as you do in colour. Very definitely your fingerprint, which has grown on me over time. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nothing is like the images out of M9M.

    I wouldn’t be sad about having a much rarer silver chrome version.

  4. Hey Dan, it was great meeting you and having time for some gear talk. I was not only impressed by your amazing setup, but also by your outstanding kindness and knowledge about photography. AND: Your images are AMAZING!!! Hope to see you again soon!!! Tom πŸ™‚

  5. Your shots are gorgeous. The MM CCD is my favorite too and I share your neck pain. It was eased by the Tie her up strap… With my MM, I use the Apo 50 but also the Cron 35 version I and the Lux 35 aspher by night. Thanks for sharing.

  6. My dream camera. If you ever want to replace it with your preferred black MM give me a shout I’d be very interested in it.

  7. A feel a similar attachment to my Lumix LX3, which also has the CCD sensor and is fabulous for B&W renderings.

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