Olympus Pro Glass. Another look at some of these amazing lenses.
By Steve Huff
Ahhh the good old days. I remember them well. It was what I call the Golden Age of Digital. When cameras were maturing and starting to become really great at a time when we did not know if a new camera would be good or not after plunking down our hard earned cash. Yes, those days happened and unlike today when all camera released are superb, it was not always like that! Those early days of digital cameras had them lacking in so many important areas like auto focus, ISO noise, dynamic range, blurry stop motion EVF’s… things that really mattered for getting a decent image. But during that special time, I remember Olympus leading the pack for innovation. Yes indeed, when the first Olympus EM1 was released, for me, that was a huge step forward in digital imaging. Micro 4/3? Yep as this was before there was full frame mirrorless. Sony was just getting started with their APS-C line and still making DSLR’s every 6 months. Olympus…they were innovating.
Olympus created the 1st swivel LCD screen. Olympus created the 1st dust shaker sensor cleaner built in the camera. Olympus created the 1st 5 AXIS in body IS. Olympus created the first ‘High Res Shot” now used by Sony and others (though under different names like Pixel Shift). I can go on but Olympus was innovating the heck out of cameras and my guess is that they still are ; ) But cameras are not the only area where Olympus has been innovating. We can not discount their amazing lenses, and for me, most notably their pro prime line of gorgeous glass, which happens to all be on sale now at B&H Photo for the holidays.
Another area where Olympus innovated was with their lenses. Small jewel like primes that reminded me of Leica M glass but without the price tag of Leica M glass. When their Pro level primes came out I was quick to jump on a few of them. The 17, 25 and 45 f/1.2 primes are still in my collection as they are amazing lenses. While I now use mostly full frame mirrorless cameras, the Olympus EM1 and EM1 MKII have stood the test of time. In fact my son owns and loves one camera and one lens. He owns the Olympus EM1 MKII with the 25 1.2 Prime.
These lenses from Olympus have it all. Small size, amazing build, that sweet AF/MF clutch system and even feathered bokeh in the case of the f1.2 pro primes. That means that these have some of the most gorgeous Bokeh around, smooth as butter. These lenses do not cost $5k, $4k or even $2k. For what they are, and for what they offer they are priced pretty low IMO. This is a good thing as when we pay $1200 for a lens and it performs and is made like a $2000 lens, that is always nice. Sometimes we pay $3000 for a lens and it seems like it should have been a $1500 lens. With Olympus you do get what you pay for, and then some IMO. With these f1.2 lenses now at $999 they are priced to where they are a bargain.
I will admit, this year had me worried for Micro 4/3 as with the barrage of full frame mirrorless cameras from Sony, Canon and Nikon I wondered how Olympus could compete with their smaller sensor which does offer higher image noise at higher ISO, less dynamic range and well up to now Olympus has lacked in video features as well. I wondered how they would be able to compete with these full frame mirrorless cameras and still do, but I have faith in Olympus and after pulling out my Olympus gear I somehow have a feeling they will come back with something special. Well, that is my hope anyway.
The other day I dusted off my Pro primes and looked back at the photos I shot with them and then it all came back. I then wondered why I did not use them more than I have. I remembered just how beautiful they are, and as I held the 7-14, 8mm, 17, 25 and 45 I appreciated them even more today than before. Why? Well, with the full frame fever we all have right now, these Olympus pro primes really deliver the IQ in a much smaller package than any of these full frame cameras could ever offer. Another thing I like about Olympus, they do not do the upgrade game every year. They release a new camera every 3-4 years, much like Leica. That means we do not feel ripped off when we buy an Olympus because we know it will last us for years to come as we will not feel the need to upgrade every year as some other companies can make us feel when they release better, faster and more wow camera with more wow features (most of which we do not need).
With all of that said, today I wanted to look back at the Olympus Pro Primes that I still own and after dusting them off it also had me charging up my Em1 MKII for the 1st time in a while. After I test this Nikon Z6 I will shoot with my old Olympus for a bit and see how I feel about it today, as we near 2019. So let’s go down memory lane with these gorgeous pro primes…
The Olympus 7-14 f/2.8 Pro
This is one of my 1st pro primes that I acquired for my Olympus cameras. It’s wide, has an f/2.8 aperture, built VERY well and offers a 35mm equivalent of 14-28mm. Ultra wide! For me, this is one of the finest ultra wides I have owned and while it does have some flare from time to time, the image quality and color is wonderful. It is on sale now for the Holidays at B&H Photo right here.
This last shot was taken by Michael Palmer of me in Iceland with the 7-14 Pro Prime and the EM1 MKII. He used the in camera “Dramatic Tone” preset.
The Olympus 8mm Pro f1.8
The 8mm Pro fisheye is an odd lens as not many shoot with a fisheye. It’s a niche product but I have always loved them even though I rarely ever use them! Not sure why I own it but maybe I just hope for the day I want this look, or effect. I have used it minimally but still own it. This lens sells for $849 right now and is $150 off for the Holidays.
The Olympus 17 f/1.2 Pro Prime
This is one of the three lenses that I ADORE in the pro prime line of lenses. The f1.2 aperture, the feathered bokeh and the small size along with the image quality makes this lens a great buy at the $999 price it is set at right now for the Holidays.
The Olympus 25 f/1.2 Pro Prime
This 25mm lens is probably my favorite Olympus lens of all time. It’s just amazing and again, small size, fast f1.2 aperture, feathered bokeh and great for AF or MF use, this lens gives us that 50mm FOV equivalent that just feels so right. At the $999 price it is at right now for the holidays, if you own a Micro 4/3 camera and love it, this lens will take your camera to the next level for image quality. Just bring the skills.
The Olympus 45 f/1.2 Pro Prime
This lens is a masterpiece and for the money I know of no other lens like it. At 45mm in Micro 4/3 this will give you that perfect portrait length FOV of 90mm (equiv in full frame). Again, $999 for the holidays..you just can’t get lenses of this quality at this price anywhere else. A 45 f1.2 with feathered bokeh, a manual focus clutch, great build and small size.
So there ya go, my memories with these beautiful Olympus lenses which are now all on sale for Christmas. At $999 these f1.2 primes are amazing and if Olympus does come out with a new body to challenge the full framers, these lenses will probably be taken up another notch. I have no idea what they have in store, of anything but Olympus has always found ways to bring new innovation to cameras. Yea, I may not need IBIS, Dual Slots and extras for what I do but so many out there want these features and without Olympus we probably would not have them as we see them today in so many cameras. Truth.
You can buy these lenses which are all on sale now at B&H Photo.
Amazing how they’ve kept quality and innovations going….I had no idea till I tried a few years ago….Coming from Nikon,which I will always ‘love’,in a name,but once with Olympus always with Olympus….
I would just like to say that once you eat from Olympus plate you always go back…..Amazing quality and so sorry not many people see it….But in time I am sure they will….
All I want from Olympus is the ultimate Micro Four Thirds hybrid camera. But their DNA is to make the best photo camera. They have to see that video is important, and Panasonic has dropped the ball with strange choices, like no IBIS GH5s and no phase detect for video. Can Olympus do better? Can they deliver the next generation 20MP Four Thirds sensor with clean high iso for video? Can they deliver great phase detect video autofocus with Ai? (They already have phase detect for photos). Wouldn’t it be great if Steve could use all his F1.2 primes with the ultimate Olympus video (hybrid) camera that has the top notch autofocus he needs? If only Olympus would deliver.
My Olys are not our Studio work cameras but to this day I enjoy them more then any FF or Medium Fornat still gear I use.
And I agree with your lens assessment as I really need to dump the Panasonic/Leica lenses cluttering up my Filson bag. They just always seem off in some ergonomic or tactile way. At least to my way of handling them.
Happy Hollidays to all!
Olympus was not the 1st dust shaker sensor cleaner built in the camera.
Yes indeed they were. I remember when they launched it. Their videos even were very fun and showed a guy in a lab coat explaining how they did this. It was a big deal and was long ago.
Wasn’t Pentax before them? At least w’ DSLRS?
What year?
Pentax Q had it
Pentax k7…I think even k10d
Supersonic Wave Filter from Olympus was introduced in 2003 for the Olympus E-1 (DSLR). People seem to forget that Olympus made DSLR cameras (Four Thirds) before the mirrorless cameras (Micro Four Thirds).
Yes indeed.
Hey thank you for that!
Made for some interesting follow up reads
uhhh Steve…. Thanks for your work. I read again this article, but… I do not see any word on this other PRO lens, the 12-40mm Zoom….Any reason for you not to include it in your choice of great PRO Oly lenses ? You can’t just have forgotten it… and I was about to buy one after reading your review. Just about to commit a nonsense ? Please help before I have nightmares ( 🙂 )…
Because I only spoke about the ones I bought and own. I do not own the 12-40 as I was not the biggest fan of it after I reviewed it. In other words, I feel these are better. The 12-40 has a lot of raves but wasn’t for me. I go with character more than sharpness and perfection, as to me those lenses are a teeny tiny bit boring after extended use. This is why I also kept the old Canon 50 1.2 over buying the new one. The new lens is more technically perfect but IMO, the old one delivers a more beautiful rendering. The 12-40 is great but just not a lens for me.
Weathersealed f1.7 prime compact lenses please, like the f2 xf series of fujifilm….
Not sure I would cal a 7-14mm zoom a prime lens.
I bet you’re a real blast at parties.
No sh*t Sherlock!
Great pics as always Steve. And, a good demonstration that there’s more to life than full frame.
Great pics Steve, as always. And, a demonstration that there’s more to life than full frame.
Some really nice shots there…
I am considering the Pen F
Which of these lens would work the best. Stills
Any, pic your focal length and go! Thank you.
While I use Panasonic bodies myself (a G85 atm, eventually a G9 – or the E-M1 mk II replacement if they give it the same awesome EVF, but no “templar cross” shaped blackout when you’re wearing polarized sunglasses (short version of story – eye condition forces me to wear polarized sunglasses when outdoors))…. I absolutely LOVE the feel of the f1.2 Pro lenses. Sure, they’re somewhat large compared to the f1.7/f1.8 primes from Panasonic and Olympus, but just how they sit in your hands, plus that manual focus clutch…
Olympus is also the only company that’s gotten me to LIKE the 25mm micro four thirds lenses – I’m not really a fan of my 25mm f1.7 Panasonic lens. Something just feels “off” about it, and I’m not referring to it’s somewhat muted way it does certain colours, or that I’m more of a fan of 28mm/35mm focal lengths. Olympus’ 25mm has had me debating back and forth about whether I want the 17mm or 25mm f1.2 Pro lens first – thankfully, I still have a few more months of saving up to do.
I know that FF is where the action is these days – but you know, there’s really very little that m43 can’t do in the right hands. For nearly all practical uses the IQ is more than adequate and the size, ergonomics/handling, features, maturity and lens range available is a long way ahead of any FF mirrorless camera. It’s such a shame that so many enthusiasts look down on m43 – it’s prejudice that is too often reinforced by reviewers so it’s good to see you bringing some balance Steve.
I love my Olympus gear and I stick with it even though I could afford FF. In fact, I’ve dabbled with the A7Rii but haven’t found the improved IQ to be worth it in comparison to what I lose compared to Olympus. I’m looking forward to Oly’s next offering and I’m confident that we’ll see some great innovation heading our way.
I totally get you. Image quality is really good especially with some prime lenses, up to the point where you hardly miss a camera with a larger sensor, other than in very low light. But owning and travelling with the Olympus range of cameras and lenses shurely feels much better than with some other full frame kit that you could lugg around. I think going micro 4/3 is a reasonable decison and will always be, no matter how many companies go full Frame.
Thanks for the great article Steve. I’ve been shooting with Olympus gear and lenses for over 7 years now and it’s always been about how the camera felt in your hand and the beauty and rendering of the M. Zuiko lenses. It’s hard to quantify or to articulate, but the camera and it’s lenses have soul.
I own all of the lenses mentioned in this post and they are all amazing. The zoom is very sensitive to flare effects so care is required if sun is anywhere near visible or in frame. I also shoot with the Hasselblad X1D but the M43 system has amazing glass and more than adequate image quality for many purposes!
I just got the 17 1.2, mainly for video on GH5S, absolutely love it.
Wide open rendering looks gorgeous and DOF is perfect at f2.4 equiv. I have the set of 3, very happy with them indeed.
I use FF gear also, but those Olympus 1.2 primes are my favourite rendering lenses.
I have em all but the 17 1.2 and I’m sure I’ll buy that. They are awesome!
Rumored new Oly Cam early 2019 – 80mp hi res……
Hand held
Holy cow! That’s the stuff bar bets are born of!
Btw, I remember seeing nearly all of those photos here over the years. Year-end holiday nostalgia as life goes on
Thx as always Steve