What camera (if any) is on YOUR Wish List? Tell me!
With all of these hot new cameras out in 2015, for many it has been tough deciding on what to get or go with. I receive e-mails daily asking “what should I get”? and I can never really answer those!
Unfortunately only YOU can answer that as a camera is a very personal thing. I always say “go with what feels right for you”….”the one that speaks to you the most”. This is a great way to pick because usually there is one camera that pulls you in more than another when trying to decide. So do you go with your heart or brain? Go with the technically best specs or the body and lenses that really pull at your heart-strings?
I always say GO WITH YOUR HEART. These days, all cameras that are released for our market, the enthusiast, hobbyist and even pro, are all fantastic. They vary in size, shape, speed and performance but all are GREAT. The reason Leica stays in business is because most Leica users buy with their HEART and pay more money for the name, the history and the prestige of Leica. It also doesn’t hurt that their cameras they are releasing now are some of their best ever in their digital history. The Leica Q, the Leica SL, the M… all wonderful and while more expensive than other cameras, they are all built and made to a higher level than their competitors (especially the SL and M).
So buying with your HEART instead of worrying about tech specs will make for a more enjoyable shooting experience. It is important to truly love the cameras you shoot with because if you do not, it will never leave the house. So it is always good to go with a camera body that you truly love.
Leica speaks to many passionate photographers.
Then we have Sony who is breaking new ground and paving the way for new tech and performance hikes – leading the way actually with the largest market share in the mirrorless market. Say what you will about Sony but they are innovating and releasing top-notch cameras like the A7II, A7sII and the masterpiece A7RII. While their bodies can not compete with the Leica SL or real “Pro” level bodies, I am sure something will come from Sony in the form of a true pro body…eventually. The rumored A9 maybe 😉 Who knows, I do not so it is just a guess but bettering the A7 or RX1 series is going to be tough for any camera manufacturer entering the mirrorless world. They do so much and do it so well.
Then we have Fuji with their X-T1 and X-T10 but I see them losing some ground as they do not offer anything but APS-C cameras, no full frame. Those who wanted to upgrade and move up, well, many went to Sony for the full frame sensors with superior DR, ISO and Resolution. Fuji is cool and still doing well, and MANY love them and the IQ from the X-Trans sensor. I am looking forward to what the X Pro 2 brings.
This brings us to Olympus and Panasonic who both offer high end Micro 4/3 bodies. The Olympus E-M1 is their pro body followed by the E-M5 II and E-M10 II. Then Panasonic has the G series and the new GX8 which is their best M 4/3 photo camera ever IMO. The lenses available for M 4/3 are beautiful and small and they pack a huge WOW for much less cash than others. The Micro 4/3 bodies have a smaller sensor but are usually faster and more responsive than the large full framers. They also suffer at high ISO because of the smaller sensor size (when compared to full frame).
Then we have Nikon and Canon and Sigma and Samsung who also are creating mirrorless cameras (though nothing to get uber excited about just yet).
The Holiday season is among us and many buy cameras for Christmas, either for themselves or for their loved ones. In fact, every year I get emails from wives asking me about a camera purchase for their Husband for Christmas.
A few snaps from the latest hot mirrorless cameras..must click them for better view and to see them correctly!
1st two, The Leica SL
Two From the new RX1R Mark II
One from the A7RII and 35 1.4 Sony/Zeiss Distagon
The Leica Q
Sony A7s – 12,800
So what cameras is on YOUR radar or wish list this year? ANYTHING? if you could have any camera made today, what is the one that tugs at YOUR heart and soul? Remember that all mirrorless reviews here are listed at “MIRRORLESS CENTRAL” here. Easy to find in case you want to refresh 🙂
Leave a comment below and let us all know what camera YOU want (IF ANY). Thanks!
I would like a fixed 50MM equivalent camera. Call it a Fuji X series with APS-C, a Leica “Q-50”, or a Sony RX2R or whatever. A true normal focal length wal around camera.
Nikon F4
Contax G2
Contax RTSII
Leica SL, I guess that’s the best. I love the looks and the quality. Name itself is dreamy…
Ricoh GR and I have it !
Love the IQ, handiness and most importantly stealth !
How I wish it had an EVF or OVF (preferred) built in .
Here a sample taken by Ricoh GR; processed in LR and Silver Efex Pro
Love my Q (though it’s out for repair) but really gnawing at the bit to get something in the tele-range. If the 90-280 has the goods maybe go into the SL system. If not, I’ll go back into the Canon camp and get a 300/2.8. The talk about the new iphone pro (7?) having a dual lens and possibly variable aperture is also something I am interested in checking out.
leica M11
OM-D EM-1 and all the Pro lenses
Nice. As I already use the excellent Fuji XT-1 (and some superb Fujinon lenses), I’d still like the XT-2.
The Leica SL
I have gone through the same trip as you seem to have gone through..
Skeptical at first, but once held in the hands (demo) an amazing piece of kit.
I have loved shooting the Leica Q in 2015.
This sensor is amazing and somehow the Leicas suck you into the photo you’re trying to make, rather than making it for you.
I really wanted the new RX1R2.
All on the spec sheet looks amazing and RX1 was so innovative, three years ago.
I have tried it for three days last week.
Nothing wrong with the picture quality at all, beautiful.
But ONE BIG warning. If you where glasses, the new EVF does not work …
It’s too small, too distant. It feels like sitting on a car, rather than in it…
So I returned it. Not for me.
Now practising patience, waiting for SL
Apologies for length.
A digital version of the Canon QL 17 GIII, with a full frame sensor.
Definitely RX1R II! It catches the essence of photography and let you be free to have pro IQ anywhere, anytime. Indeed it’s the masterpiece of Sony of all times.
Leica Q…Been waiting for 5 months on B&H….I have the leis x2 and love it…But full frame and the 28mm lens is lovely.
Only one camera on my list.It’s the Leica monochrome. Great to see all the different opinions expressed above.Hope all your photographic projects work out
Hi Steve, not really a camera request but could you compare the new Panasonic 25mm f1.7 to the Olympus 25mm f1.8.
BH photo and andorama have the Panasonic on a black Friday sale for $99 which is a crazy price. I’ve already ordered one but just wanted to know how it compares to the olympus.
At the moment I am shooting with a 5DII, Ricoh GR, and a minolta x-7A. These cameras pretty much give me all I need at the moment. A nice mix of digital, film, and portability. I keep an eye on the new cameras on the market, but have to admit, very little gets me excited right now. The cameras that come closest for me are the Leica Q, the new Leica SL, and the Canon 5dSr. Lets see what 2016 brings us.
I thought it would be Sony but have decided Fuji XT-1 for it’s sensor, weather sealing and old school dials. Hate digging through menus. I always wanted a digital that handled like a film SLR. Also am left eyed and hate left corner viewfinders. By the time I have the cash the XT-2 might be out.
Jorge, as an XT-1 and X-System user, I think you’ll be quite pleased with the ergonomics of the XT-1, the awesome quality of the Fujinon XF lenses, and most importantly, the resulting image quality of your files! I’ve made super-sharp 20×30 inch poster prints from this system, which I’m told are stunning. If you have any specific questions, or want to see sample images, please feel free to contact me at my site.
Happy Holidays to you!
Have Leica x2 lust for Leica X1 !
I will buy the new Leica SL to my existing Nikon. So if one of them breaks I’ll still have the Leica.
As I’m very happy with my X-E1, no cameras on my wishlist; lenses are, however! 56mm f/1.2 or 90mm f/2!
Sony A6100 with all it’s latest tech (5 axis, 2 mil EVF, stacking sensor, etc)
Mamiya 7, lenses, a coolpix9000 and free time. Or a Leica m2 and a summilux 35.
I’m currently shooting film with a Leica MP (thank you Ken Hansen) and digital with an Olympus E-M1. Dream camera(s)? Leica Monochrome (typ 246) in silver and the new Leica M Type 262 (in silver). Of course the closest digital to shooting film is a Leica M Edition 60.
Sony A7II
Today I was visiting a great photoshop to decide what camera I really want and this is not the first time I made this. I have so many options by the sellers that I sometimes become headake!
my questions is: can this camera make charp photos on the streets then peple nice and were going against you!?
We tried to make pictures in the store and decided to test Olympus emII and Fuji XT10. The result: the Fuji isn’t able to make sharp pictures under this options. Olympus is faster f and made IT quite good
Rolleiflex Hy6 Mod2 with 6×6 film mag. Sony a7 II + Loxia 90mm.
Leica Q w/ M lens mount for $3500 tops.
Digital… I would love the newest Sony RX1. It would serve as a great pocket camera and back up shooter for those moments when a big camera just causes too much attention.
Film… I have been thinking lately about picking up a Pentax 645n to replace the Mamiya 645 I use for weddings. My Mamiya is only fully manual and I would like to be able to shoot a bit faster when I’m working with a big group of people. Plus I love the look of the Pentax lenses.
The RX1R MKII just may be top of the list for me. I’m starting all over from scratch after being out of this for awhile. This camera may well be what I’m looking for…second on the list (for a system) is perhaps the Olympus EM-1…or just maybe the newest Sony A7’s…I’m a huge fan of Fuji so perhaps the X-pro 2 when it arrives. All in all I’m going for a “less is more” type of system….so the new RX1R MKII is really appealing to me.
Having owned the RX1, which I really loved, I now own the Leica Q and am really in love. I will hold on to it for the next years. 🙂
Leica Q
In 1983 I bought my system, a Olympus OM4 with 21/3.5 35/2.0 and Tamron 90/2.8. As a photographer at that time I have learned to use aperture and shutter control, and have a full focus control when I compose. A old school photographer who’s workflow today is Kodak Portra/Tetenal C-41 (Yes I develop myself)/Plustek scanner/Vuescan/Lightroom.
I realize that I someday have to buy a new digital camera, I bought few years ago a Sony RX100 mk1 for family and myself to check if I can operate flawless as I do with my old system.
Well I don´t like autofocus who focus on something else than I want and I don´t like those programming mode who I don’t know what they doing. Short to say I don´t feel that I´m in control over what happened.
I have been following all tests everywhere to find out what I want for my new system. I do like Fuji,s old school layout and color signature, but I realise that I need good video to. Sony have what i like for in video and pictures are good enough. The decisions lately have been between A6000/X-T10 whit some Zeiss lenses maybe. Then I saw that combo Sony A7 II and Loxia lenses, 35 mm who is my standard lens for 90% of my photography and I,m sure there will be a Loxia 90 mm some day, still those programming mode but maybe I get used to it.
Still there are thoughts about medium format with Portra who’s results seems to be outstanding, but that will cost in new scanner to.
Canon/Nikon dslr,s are not for me when I have played with my tiny OM4 for so long time now.
Just my 2 cent,s of thoughts
I love reading this site with all its camera porn, but I’m quite happy with my current stash of cameras. I have a couple of film cameras, both 35 and MF. On the digital side I have the M8 and an Oly OMD 10. There is really nothing on the market today that will make me part with my money. Now if Nikon will introduce a digital version of the F3 (and please keep it simple), I would rush out and buy one. I think they completely missed the mark with the df. Too many features and menus upon menus.
Leica S
Ah, my Canon 5Ds – which I already have. Plus my OMD EM-1 and EM-5 II. Olys for travel, Canon for around home and special photo workshops on the road. But handing the Canon, as lovely as it is, it feels like a beast compared to the Olympus cameras.
The Nikon D750M
OVF out, high quality EVF in. And a bit of manual focusing software. Done.
Tomorrow please.
Just a Leica SL with 21mm Summilux, 50mm Noctilux, 90mm Summicron APO, 24-90 zoom, and a Minolta 5400II.
Bokeh_hunter. I had the X100 and find the X100T an enormous difference. The fire up time, autofocus and view finder arrangement enormously improved. It’s just that much faster. As against D7100 I obviously find it much more useful for travel, street photography and portability. However for me the colour rendition/IQ of the D7100 is much more suited for landscape, travel, sport etc. The Fuji colour wonderful for people.And the D7100 is in a different league for speed of operation and focus. Also it gives great IQ.
Remember I’m not a pro like you and very much an amateur. So which one would I choose if I could only have one?! With faster performance, colour rendition that suits me and interchangeable lens availability I’d have to go for the D7100.
However I still love my X100T!
I’m a bird photographer, so I’d like a camera (full frame or medium format) that has a bird ID capability And lighter, more compact, high quality telephoto lenses to go with it.
David Forcey – no DSLRs are not dead. I use one nearly everyday for my work as a photographer. That said, I don’t want to carry one around as my daily shooter. I shoot to relax even after I shoot to make money, and the last thing I want is to drag around my 1Dx or my 645z to do street photography. I want something lightweight and that gives me excellent quality. When I shot primarily film that was my M4P. Today it’s a X100 and Ricoh GR.
For me it’s all about how to be as mobile as possible and still being capable of shooting something that has amazing quality. Mirrorless is great at that be it a Leica, a Sony or a Fuji X. I’m fine with the limitations of even a very good Posh high end point and shoot like the GR, X100, or Leica Q. Now if my idea of going out to relax is to shoot insects, like a good friend of mine, then I’d probably be running around with a some Canon and the MP-E 65. It comes down to how much you want to carry and what you want to shoot.
Leica Q
Sony A7S II
Cheers from Germany!
Go with your heart isn’t god enouth! I you are a streetphotographer and want a cheep camera for both pictures and film, wait for the new Somy a6001/a7000 IT Will have an amazing hybride af function
After some thought, and a good Dortmunder, I guess it would be the Oly OMD 5 II. I’d consider the Umix GX8, but I’m used to the Oly way.
Yes , you are right! But there are differenses depending what kind of shooter you are.IF you are a streetphotographer then you should buy a 4/3 ore apc! IT should be small, and the autofokus must have hybride autofokus. Then you
Only have Olympus, Fuji and Sony. If cheep then you should buy Fuji XT10 or wait for the new Sony a6001/a7000. You should not buy Olympus em10II because the lack of hybride autofokus!
Also the Leica M-P. Sleek and durable. I like the idea of the 2 GB memory buffer. The M9 is a problem when shooting lots of snaps!.
Cameras not not take photos photographers do. Rather than but a placebo I will invest in education.
Makina 67!
Pentax 645z (same price as SL).
For my product photography this camera really hits the sweet spot – good pixel size vs number of pixels. Anything with smaller pixels than this really isn’t compatible with what I shoot.
D810 combines with a set of top prime lenses & RX1r works perfectly fine for me 🙂
Pentax 645z
Pentax K-1 (full frame).
@Steve Solomon – thank you for the info. The Fuji system is probably the most enticing of all the mirror-less to me. It is still fairly big for traveling for me but I may have to put that on my short list of renting to try out.
Jay, yes, the Fuji files are almost “3D” in clarity and sharpness. Bokeh-hunter, IMHO, the Fuji XT-1 with the new Fujinon 35 f/2 would make a perfect (weather-resistant) street camera. Of course, it’s not m4/3 small, but look at the stellar image quality!
@David Forcey – Your welcome for the info. The D7100 is a good camera and has the main components (slightly updated) as my old D300(still have)/D700 (sold). I almost picked one up for a backup and a second shooting body. I have stacked many mirror-less against my D300/D800 combo and only the Sony A 6000 matched the D300 in focusing and metering. (I have not used the OMD M5ii or newest A7 mkII against it yet.) What I think is a bit funny is all the handgrips people are adding to the mirror-less cameras and how the camera’s are starting to resemble more like DSLRs due to ergonomics.
Maybe you can help me by sharing what short comings you have encountered with the X100T and how it compares (AF, Metering, etc.) with the D7100. I have the old X100 and just never upgraded it due to seeing what Sony and others pumped out.
Bokeh_hunter, thank you v much for taking the trouble to give a v full and interesting answer. I have a Fuji X100T which I love – I tried an XE-2 but found fire up time and autofocus too slow for my needs. I’ve gone back to a Nikon D7100 and find it perfect for me. As you suggest, I don’t need full frame. Thanks again.
Two Sony 7ii, plus FE 35mm f/1.4 Distagon and FE 55mm f/1.8.
@ David Forcey – Mirrorless (most cases) cost less, weigh less, work as good, and produce “good enough” which is a driving point for sales.
Canon or Nikon Dslrs are not dead at all in terms of performance and Professionally still are used predominantly more than mirrorless. Depending on the body of work, some pros can and have moved to mirrorless. It really depends on each pro, and what they do and need from a system. As a working photog, mirrorless still falls short in terms of versatility, lens options, autofocus, and especially Flash controls with the ability to do High Speed Sync with flashes for ME. Flash systems and HSS is huge for a working photog on the run – I simply could not work without it. No mirrorless matches my D800 as a “whole package”. The files from Nikon’s sensors are fantastic and are so much more malleable in editing than any other camera system I have used to date. (I have yet to shoot the 42mp sensor from Sony yet though.) DSLRs (especially Pro bodies) just still handle “on the edge of limits” performance wise better for predictable outcomes. But that is more of the stuff working photogs worry about. If I miss a shot, it is not “oh well,” it’s “you’re not getting paid.” That’s just where I’m at (along with most pros I know.)
That said, mirrorless is getting very close to DSLRs and if they get the flash systems in line, fill out the lens options a bit more, (especially Sony) I think many pros will jump ship. Only about 10% of my work (but which accounts for about 50% of my income) I could not do with a mirrorless system. As for an amature, if you are not shooting Pro full frame (which has a whole difference performance level of performance that is considerably above consumer DSLRs on many levels), the differences (if any) becomes far less noticeable (due to the neutering of consumer cameras) and cropped sensor lens choices are limited and one would have to buy full frame lenses to fill out the system, which negates the cost advantage. If one is just using “kit” lenses, mirrorless is just as good as Canon and Nikon crop sensor DSLRs for the most part.
Bokeh_Hunter and Dave,
You make excellent points, most of which I agree with. If I may opine, I believe that ANY camera system (DSLR or Mirrorless) can produce “professional” OR “amateur” results…depending on the USER. Admittedly only a semi-pro now, having been in the photography field for about 35 years and using everything from 35mm to 8×10 view cameras, I believe I know “Quality” work when I see it, and I must say that the mirrorless systems (Fujifilm XT-1, in my case) are at a point where sensor, optics, AF, and processing engine, are quite good, and indeed, rival those of DSLR systems. That said, I totally agree that for certain venues (sports, action, for example), the DSLR still reigns supreme. However, as a landscape and product shooter, I can say with conviction that the files I’m seeing with the Fuji XT-1 and superb Fujinon optics, are some of the sharpest, most detail-rich images I have created, and even with “only” the 16 meg X-Trans sensor, are capable of quite extreme enlargement (20×30 inch prints). Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you!
The Fuji files do look great, don’t they?
My dream camera would be putting all the functions of Sony A7SII into a Leica M3 style/size body with the simple menu/controls and color rendering of Leica.
It would be the Leica SL but I received mine on Monday. So my wish list is empty – for the moment.
Sony a9 !!! Something with internal super fast SSD storage and SD slot that supports UHS-3 for backup and convenience, Thunderbolt 3.0 connection, Big Internal battery, continuous shooting at 10fps, 4K @ 60p, longer height for better ergonomics, and EVF that’s better than that of the Leica SL.
Sony A7RII…with a 24-70/f2.8 (please mfg one of these) and Batis 21mm…or probably by the time I get the A7RII upgrade from my A7II, Sony will have a A8.
Leica SL
Although it’s still well into November 19 where you live, here, at this very moment, it’s November 29, at 0:01h sharp. So allow me to wish you a very happy birthday, Steve!
Mamiya 7ii 80mm
Sony A7 II
Hello Steve, this is a good opportunity to thank you ones more for this unique site, with so many original initiatieven – like this one.
Concerning my dream camera, I own the A7RII, and that is pretty much my dream camera, offering everything that I hoped for, since I bought the NEX-5, first generation. But over the NEX-7 and A7r MK1, I saw the body gradually grow and getting heavier, which I understand, but still regret a bit. I hope it will not get any heftier yet. Concerning lenses, I’m really 110% into Zeiss. I love there IQ, character and built. Loxia are my dream lenses and I buy them all. But since the Biogon 2/35, I find myself shooting more 35mm than ever, often with body and one lens. All this put together made me think more and more about a dedicated 35mm camera, that would again be really compact, and offer superb IQ. Well, you know that this camera exists. So my dream camera of this moment is without any doubt the Sony RX1R2: very powerful and at the same time very discrete – the best for street shooting, which I love to perform. But I find it hard to spend more than €3000 for a single focal length camera, since I don’t have unlimited financial resources, and there’s still some glass I wanna buy. So I guess it will remain a dream (at least for yet a while)…
Everyone here is wishing for Leica, Sony, Olympus, Fuji and mainly mirrorless.
Are Canon and Nikon and DSLRS dead?
A question from an amateur!
Getting there. Mirrorless cameras sell more than DLR’s today. They are growing every year.
For me it would be the newly announced Leica M 262. I’ve always wanted a digital Leica so I could use my collection of M lenses and retire my old M4P. Granted that there are better cameras out there that I could adapt the lenses to, but there is just something very Zen about using such a pure photographic tool. Honestly if the 60th anniversary digital M was less expensive and more available I would have chosen that instead.
0-Series Leica
Being that the 28 mm FOV is one of my favorites, The Leica Q is a dream come true. It checks everything off for me and the haptics of the camera is beyond anything out there- I’m currently plotting and scheming, a leica might be within my reach!
Anticipating taking a new job where I’ll be flying and on the road 75%, I’m really looking for compactness, light editing needed on files, ability to edit on an iPad, and low light performance. Anything I choose will be a new “system” change from a D800. I really am struggling with the sensor quality vs cost as I will keep most of my Nikon kit.
It would be wonderful to see/read an article on usable ISOs (1600+) between 1″, m4/3, X-trans, full frame (a7s I & RX1II) when printing out on 17×20 sizes (as an example to tell quality that is higher than an Internet posting). Most anything looks fine on FB, my concern is usability in the future. My Fuji X100 & Nikon D300 files really don’t look up to par and are showing their limits when stacked against my d800. Especially with crops because you can’t always zoom with your feet. But much of what I see there, is the higher ISOs that show up iffy and no longer look “good” when seen along side newer files. (That is in reference past shot files.). Those limitations are both on resolution AND sensor performance. Knowing that, I question if a 16mp X-trans, m4/3rd or a 1″ sensor at 3200 is a real concern or has everything caught up where it is not. Of course the Sony 42mp will reach that threshold easily, but for example, at $3,500 vs $1,300 Fuji 16mp (or rumorsed 20mp) X-trans sensor, at what point (ISOs/settings/printed size) does the Fuji keep up, and the point the Sony truly outperforms that camera. Then of course the Sony 42mp files are huge, and can I edit those on a iPad/iPhone or do I have to travel with a second laptop? (I can’t use my company’s.).
What I’m looking at is Fuji X100T, Fuji XPro 2, Sony Rx100 IV, A7s, RX1II, Olympus M10ii or 5ii end even the Nikon J5.
All have their good sides, I’m just trying to get a handle on each of their shortcomings and how much of an impact those create on either capturing or/output performance. With that knowledge, I can hopefully cut the list down to be able to try a couple and see what would work best for me.
Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else. Any knowledge anyone can share would be great. Especially if anyone shares a D800 baseline for file quality. I am spoiled by those files.
I’ve rented and shot almost all of your choices extensively and I keep coming back to micro 4/3 for travel. Even at reasonably large print sizes the files look great and the lenses are sharp wide open which equalizes a lot of the deficits of the smaller sensor in terms of Ido performance and dof. The Olympus om cameras are awesome but I find the e-m1 much more pleasant to use than the e-m5ii as it fits me better. Haven’t used the 10.
“A7II replacement may not be for 1-2 years. Not anytime soon.”
True. And the E-M1ii is probably 6 months out at least. But it would be nice to evaluate it before moving to FF. But I think I’m headed in that direction regardless.
I am looking at the OM D 10 II to replace my LUMIX GF1 which has served me well with great results, given the time that has passed since its release.
OM D 10 II is small in size, great specs and would fit my needs with a 12/40 zoom and 2 primes perfectly. Then, for 2nd body I will be waiting for the release of OM D 1 II which, I believe, will make its debut early 2016.
I’m thrilled with the results I’m getting from my Fuji X-T1 & 56mm 1.2. Usability wise, I don’t think I’ll ever want to not have dials and aperture rings again. Given all that, and that I can’t rationalize a Leica (not to mention risk divorce), the Fuji X-Pro II but, really, I’d love a full-frame X100 for under $2k.
Hi Mark.
I too, am thrilled by the Fuji X-System, particularly the XT-1 coupled with the awesome Fujinon lenses like the XF 16-55 f/2.8 WR Zoom, the 35 f/1.4, and the 60 f/2.4 Macro. I’ve printed amazingly sharp and detailed 20×30 inch poster prints with this kit. That said, I suffer from terminal G.A.S., and look forward to what an X-T2 could possibly bring to the table in terms of image quality! Happy Holidays to all!
I would love to get to get the new Leica SL except for its weight/size and the fact that I would always worry about it being stolen. So I’m thinking of adding a Sony A7rII and perhaps the Rx1r II (eventually) to my Nikon equipment.
RX1R mark II
Anticipating taking a new job where I’ll be flying and on the road 75%, I’m really looking for compactness, light editing needed on files, ability to edit on an iPad, and low light performance. Anything I choose will be a new “system” change from a D800. I really am struggling with the sensor quality vs cost.
It would be wonderful to see/read an article on usable ISOs (1600+) between 1″, m4/3, X-trans, full frame (a7s I & RX1II) when printing out on 17×20 sizes. Most anything looks fine on FB, my concern is usability in the future. My Fuji X100 & Nikon D300 files really don’t look up to par and are showing their limits when stacked against my d800. But much of what I see there, is the higher ISOs that show up a bit iffy. (That is in reference past shot files.).
What I’m looking at is Fuji X100T, Fuji XPro 2, Sony Rx100 IV, A7s, RX1II, Olympus M10ii or 5ii end even the Nikon J5.
All have their good sides, I’m just trying to get a handle on each of their shortcomings and how much of an impact those create on either capturing or/output performance.
Hi Bokeh_Hunter.
Well, I can’t speak to other Fujifilm cameras, not have I had the pleasure of using the Nikon D800, but I can tell you from 6 months’ experience with the Fuji XT-1 and several superb Fujinon XF lenses, that I’ve printed super-sharp 20×30 inch posters. I believe that the XT-1 combined with the new weather-resistant Fujinon 35 f/2 lens would make a superb, light, weather-resistant, SHARP, low-light capable kit! Good luck in your search!
Looking to jump on the Sony FF bandwagon. The only thing holding me back is the a7ii is still at retail, and I have a feeling it is due for a price drop. Pair with the 55 and 16-35.
Also, the forthcoming E-M1ii + 12-40 would be a wonderful setup, but I’m starting to reach some limitations with m43. But I am still always interested in what they have in store.
A7II replacement may not be for 1-2 years. Not anytime soon.
Fuji x-pro 2
I´m already in line for the RX1 RII, so thats topping the charts. Besides that, there is a whole lot of stuff I have owned and sold over the years, often for a pittance. On top of the “wish I wasn´t such a fool” list is the Olympus OM 4 Ti. That camera, rigged with some of the stellar Zukio primes from yonder years, was really magnificent.
Still happy with X-Pro1, but definitely looking forward to X-Pro 2
Fujifilm X-Pro2
My camera wish would be the SonLeica QSL-A7RS RX II. Sorry, couldn’t resist!
RX1Rx with a 50mm f/2 lens.
Wish they can make a lighter and smaller Leica M…
Personally want a new X100 though…
Fuji X100T
I already have it – Leica M with 35mm FLE and a 90mm Macro Elmar.
A digital M that’s as thin as or close to the thickness of a film M! How unfortunate 🙁
The M Typ 262 is high up there at least, soon time to replace my old M9, or go analog only…
I’m lucky to be able to buy most any camera I want. What do I have? Nex 7, RX100M3, plus a Nikon P7700 for flower macros. I was obsessed with full frame for years and finally came to my senses and realized it offered few advantages and one big liability… size. On the A7 series for example, the body may be small, but the lenses are still huge. I’d only like to see improvements on my current cameras like a new Nex7 with a decent menu, faster focus etc, and RX100 with a 24-100 like the Canon G5X. I’m with JL Williams. Less is more. When I travel it’s the Nex with a 10-18, and RX on my belt. I have 10-50 (15-75) covered in basically two small quality cameras with no lens changes, and only one of which is around my shoulder.
Leica M-P
Leica MP3
35 Summilux FLE + 50 Summilux asph + ZM 25/2.8
Rollei FX-n
I could happily never buy another camera with that set up 🙂
The future Olympus OMD – EM1 Mk II
Chamonix 045F1 …… a lovely 4×5.
A Camera that dose not exist, a new Plaubel Makina 670 with 80mm f2.0 (a Makina W67 55mm f2.8 would also be nice to complete it!) and the option to shoot 6×7, 6×6 and with adapter 24×65!
That would be my dream!
Plus a new affordable Batch scanner with excellent image quality!
Pentax FF (for SuperTakumars). Mirrorless FF Nikon able to use any Nikkor glass. A Hasselblad digital back CFV50. The two first could be compressed into an A7RII.
Well they were on a wish list yesterday and now I am awaiting delivery.
Nikon Df and Leica M-A. I have loads of Nikon (all F’s to F6) and my share of FF Digital Nikon – but there is just something about the Df.
The M-A is my first new Leica. The M3, M6TTL and M4-2 are all Mint preowned, but I have to have this one new out-of-box. The others are expertly serviced but I crave the new OOB experience.
Also looking for 4×5 Gandolphi and think I have found it.
I’m not greedy….Sony RX100 3/4 or Panny LX100 as I miss having my quality compact with zoom. I have Ricoh GR and an Oly EM10, but want a real pocket sized quality compact for street / everyday use, I used to have a Panny LX3, and I miss the ability to zoom in on the subject matter.
@Karim: I just sold a working RTSIII with the 1.4/35 and 1.4/85… I had the RTS (sold it or dumped it) RTSII (sold it or dumped it). Either one of them froze, no repair possible. I had one RTSIII freeze up on me as well. I’m not too enamoured with the reliability of RTS bodies in general; I’d rather stick to my “old but mint” Nikon slr’s, which seem to go on forever. That Zeiss glass was pretty good though.
As for Steve’s question: I’ll stick with the camera(‘s)I have, and attempt to make the best photo’s possible…
Epson R-D2 – still waiting patiently.
RX1R Mark2
The A6000 has been my go-to camera since it came out. It is a great compromise between the full frame and their 1″ sensors. If they can update the A6000 sensor, and keep it in the price range for an ordinary human, then I won’t need to keep looking at the A7 series.
I have and LOVE my RX1R.
But I’d be seriously interested in a 35mm Q.
Just got my a7R II this week, so that should do me for a few years 🙂
If I could put modifications on my wish list, I’d wish for the viewfinder of the Leica SL 😀
RX2 or Leica Monochrome v2
Sony rx1 Mark II is on top of my wish list, next ist leica Q
A7R IV. Then A7 series will be mature 🙂
My wish is for a rangefinder camera around the USD 1000 mark with very good backwards compatability for older lenses, say something like a Leica or Canon mount. This would allow me to use fun older lenses that you can get (fairly) cheap on Ebay. I think such a camera would leave me a better photographer after a year’s use.
Other than that I feel my OM-D EM-5 and 12-40 lens is still a better camera than I am at taking pics. Also, an autodelete function for crappy out of focus pics would be great (barely kidding).
Anders R
own and enjoying my Oly E M 1, patiently waiting for the 4.0 updates. My wish, maybe someday is the Leica S L.
Leica SL because there exists no other camera than that.
Sony A7R2
Leica S Typ 007 and Leica SL..most probably the SL tho
For the existing cameras I was waiting for rx1rII but after seeing DPRV studio tests I am not so sure any more. Even a7rII sems to be sharper not mentioning Leica Q which simply murders it. The Q however is too wide and too expensive for me. I will probably have to accept smaller sensor and go with XPro2 when it is finally out. I would love to see full frame Fuji XPro type of camera but unfortunately this is not going to happen any time soon.
Rx1rII for me too. I’ve drooled over the Rx1 since it was released. I’ve settled for (what appears to me to be) the next best thing, a Fuji X100 (S, then T), but I still crave that full frame gorgeousness. 🙂
The only problem is that I still can’t afford it, but that doesn’t prevent dreaming, does it?
Sony Rx1RII. … 42 MP & Zeiss lens in just 507 grams.
Nikon D400, please. If it has 24mp, 8-10fps and a deep buffer, I would be very happy. Basically a direct competitor to the Canon 7D mkII.
An Olympus OMD E-M10 II is the way forward, for me 🙂
You are the only person who named Oly em10II and i am going to buy just that camera but I was today a bit confused because the camera cannot focus properly on moving people ! Whats your opinion!
Boy, I think it does a good job with that. I don’t have any problems with that. I have both high end Olys, and they both are very satifying
Focusing is Never a problem with the Olympus Cameras. Panasonic is also great for fast focus. I am using a G7 right now and it is a speed king! You don’t have to spend big bucks to get great cameras.
Thomas, I can answer your question in general. Most any of the modern cameras (above a certain point) are good enough to take really great pictures in a wide variety of situations. Some cameras are a little better at tracking, but all of them are good enough for most uses. You specifically mentioned the OMD-EM10 II, which is a camera that gives you a lot of bang for the buck.
You could wait for some new technology to come out, but why bother? You could be out taking pictures. You could spend more money to get weather sealing, or a newer sensor, or whatever, but why bother? Every week some new camera will come out, and each one will try to convince you that for an investment of an extra few hundred dollars, you could get more “keepers”.
As a general rule, it is not true. If you have a good vision, and you plan the shot properly, almost none of the newer cameras will get in your way.
So much great camera gear out there! Top of my list would surely be an A7RII with a nice summicron. For film I would love to get an M6 one day. Well, not any time soon, but always good to have something to wish for…
I’ve been waiting too looong for the Pentax K digital full frame camera but finally I see it in the far distance. Hopefully I’ll have it in my hands by spring next year. Can’t wait. Proper respect for your blog and your positive attitude.
RX1R Mark2
To halt my GAS with the new Leica SL I picked up a bunch of Portra 160, and going to start shooting my stored up Provia from the fridge (to shoot on my Leica MP)
I would love to, maybe, upgrade to Olympus OMD EM-1 Mk2 (I have Mk1) and Sony A7s Mk2 with 35mm, 50mm and 85mm lenses. Or, at least add the Sony A7s Mk to my set up for the sake of low light photography.
I just want a Digital Mamiya 7 !! under 8000 u$S
100% with you Greg!
My wish is to trade in my Sony a7R for the new Sony a7R II with a Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 APO-Distagon lens (via adapter)!
New Leica M version with Leica Q form factor and features, 36 – 42MP, EVF, interchangeable Leica prime Summilux lenses supporting auto focus (28mm, 35mm, 50mm), macro, plus compatibility and optimization with existing Leica M mount lenses. The Leica Q is sublime and is hopefully a harbinger of at least a new M variant in 2016.
i just get a second hand ricoh GR. It’s really incredible to have it in a slim jeans front or rear pocket, to control it with a single hand, even flash compensation can be set holding it single handed !!
I wish it had the “mojo ” of the fuji x100s ( dials , viewfinder , direct film simulation ) but I guess I would loose pocketability, one hand control and it’s still possible to set the jpegs the way I like.
In both situation you keep Leaf shutter advantages , in camera raw basic postprocessing ( no more time spent on lightroom ) and fun fun fun.
Any advice for an OVF suited for the GR ( Colin Steel suggest the panasonic 24mm to get more than the frame but I’m afraid it will be to big in a pocket)?
Sigma made a cute one for the DP1. Look it up. I used one with my Ricoh years ago.
Thanks! I Will take a look at it
If someone just handed me a camera, I hope it would be a Leica Q. I think it speaks to my senses and would be a tool that I could use for a great deal of my photography. However, it’s the leftover part that is the problem. I have a broad range of interests and I honestly can’t find a camera or system that seems worth the effort of trying to meet all those situations.
So I think I’ll just keep trying to enjoy what I have and when I come upon an insurmountable photographic problem, try to address that with the proper tool.
Nikon V4, whenever that may be…. Still like my V1 though, but an upgrade would be nice.
Probably a Leica sl and or a Q, maybe whatever Leica is announcing tomorrow :). Or maybe just some long 2.8 lenses for my d810 with I love. I just miss the build and feel of my leica m’s. (Sold) I will have a Leica again someday.
Since the RX1markII is already announced, I am waiting for the old Sony RX1 price hits as low as $800, secondhand is OK for me as long the dust inside the lens issue does not present (i heard that the sealing is not so good).
I was excited on sony α7 series, but i haven’t seen any pictures from α7 that is so magical as RX1 always produces. Yes, I always wanted to have 35mm lens. 🙂
If I were just interested in picture quality I would be choosing the Sigma Quattro or Merrill.
no doubts
So, I’ve been wrestling with this for a while. With all the advancements that are coming out like the Leica SL and the Q, I feel I may have missed the boat on Leica even though they are finally starting to appeal to me.
I know there are CCD problems in the M9 and the M-E, but I love the way the M-E looks and like the rendering that comes from those systems. I think what I will end up doing is picking that up used and a voigtlander 35mm. I’m sure within a year or two another M camera will be introduced, and then I can still scratch the Leica itch and save up for the biggest baddest one down the road.
RX1R Mark II, just can’t justify the cost for a fun/personal camera. The second option would be the a7000 with an 18mp sensor (from the a7rii/RX1Rii cropped to aps-c) with 399 AF points and the same IQ as the a7rii. I have and love the a6000 but using the a7rii in crop mode puts it to shame IQ wise!
Waiting impatiently on my pre-ordered RX1RII however I can’t seem to get the Leica Q out of my head either. Love the idea of what the Q is and frankly don’t need the 42mp of the Sony but I just can’t justify the extra cost of the Q. I had a hard enough time justifying the cost of the RX1RII, especially to my wife!
The next Pentax K-1 Full frame yeah!
Now I want a Leica SL, thanks to you Steve ;-), and a 50mm Lux
In 2014 I bought a Nikon D7100, then later a Sony A6000. I found myself taking the A6000 everywhere, because it’s more compact, fast and fun to shoot with. Honestly I think the only IQ difference between the two depends on which lens I use.
In 2015 I bought a Sony A7II and am consistently blown away by the great images from it (forget the kit lens though, not good enough to show what the A7II can do).
My wish list item is now an A7sII for its low light and occasional (for me) video abilities.
Hi Steve.
For fun, I am waiting for the Sony A7000, I hope it has a touch screen. I want a small camera for weekends and travel.
For work, I would like a canon version of the Sony a7R11, with a touch screen, if canon brought it out then i wouldn’t have to upgrade the rest of my gear, ie: lenses, speedlites, etc. And i would have canon reliability.
That’s my wish list.
In 2014 I bought a Nikon D7100, then later a Sony A6000. I found myself toting the A6000 to many more places because of how compact it is and I found the difference in image quality between the two is, in my opinion, totally dependent on the lens I use.
In 2015 I bought a Sony A7II and love it. The A6000 is still my favorite travel camera, but I’m sold on mirrorless and the much smaller form factor. The A7II just has great image quality that keeps blowing me away.
My wish list is now a Sony A7IIs for low light and video.
I’d keep it simple:
For 35mm: Contax RTS (though I might have to retain a Nikon body to use with shift lenses)
For digital: A7rII with a variety of lenses.
I would like to say that my beloved Sony a7s + Summilux Leica f1.4 ASPH + f2 Summicrom 35 APSH am very happy.
A Leica M9, with better high ISO support, in the body of an M3. Can a get an amen? 🙂
AHHH!!!! Leica M + viewfinder SL+ dynamic range and ISO Sony a7s II + M lenses= My dream.
Maybe next Leica M or A9s. Please!!! No more than 24MP
Rx1r II.
I have the rx1 since its release, and it is the best camera I have ever had.
Hope to get My Travelwide 4×5 with Portra film before xmass!
Lomo LC-A 120. Yes, it is film. Medium format. Portable, Fun to use. No post process required.
Good day Steve,
I plan on buying into the OM-D EM-1 with the 7-14mm, 12-40mm, and the40-150mm F2.8 pro’s with the 60mm macro thrown in for fun, followed later with some primes. I currently run with the Olympus E-5 and am wanting something smaller. The OM-D’s are perfect as I also already know the menu system that makes Olympus great. The only difference between me and a pro is that I have not been published, LOL. I had originally fell in love with the Nikon D810, then the D750, but then my right arm was screaming at me if is was losing my mind. After much research, I feel that the OM-D EM-1 will be the perfect match for me and my shooting style.
My E-5 site: http://www.3dlookinglass.com
The new Leica Monochrome 246 and a Leica Q and a Noctilux 0.95 and the Summilux 28 mm and… Well, dreams are cheap, the problem is you have to wake up… :))
A Phase One IQ380 back to go on my DF+. The DX would be nice, but if I could only have one, it would be the back.
I would choose Leica SL if I could afford it. But to be realistic I am thinking between Sony A7RII combined with Loxia 35/Batis 25 or Sony RX1RII.
Dear Steve, I mainly shoot film so new digital cameras meant little for me, but I tried the Monochrom 246 with the latest 35 Summilux and is the only camera I really want now. As a matter of fact I’m quite happy with my few 20 different cameras (35mm and middle format) and I feel no need for other cameras. Infact, I need time more than new gear. Thanks for your question, it is an important one, I had infact explored my thoughts on photography.
I have the Sony alpha 7 II and the Alpha 7r II, both are fantastic cameras, the Alpha 7 II was purchased in order to use my old Canon FD lenses, I then just had to buy the A7r II because of its low light performance – this move into digital was made this year after having used B&W film for more than 30 years. If money were no object I would probably go for the Leica SL.
Steve just I love your reviews,
Thank you,
I am perfectly happy with my Nikon D3
I want a Fuji (BAYER VERSION think X100) Xt2 or Xpro2, great focus down to -3, IBIS and great battery life.
Since, i got this off my chest I will settle for the Sony a7r II with a 35 & 50 lens.
I want a Fujifilm Micro 4/3rds X-Sensor camera that will accept all of my M4/3rd lens. Keep the Dials on the Fuji and the Film Simulations, just make a mini X-T1 with a M4/3 sized lens mount. Of course add fully articulating rear lcd screen and built-in gps.
Really happy with my EM-5 Markii limited…
Hi Steve!
Well, having been an Olympus 4/3rds and m4/3rds user since the E-1, something offering a significant leap forward beyond the E-M1, would be my choice; however, there is one other camera manufacturers products I yearned to own for over a decade, but highly ever likely to, and that’s one of Alpa’s 12 series MF cameras. Upgrading it with a digital back, (IQ-180!) is entirely out of the question though, as I’ll probably be dead before I could raise the required cash
Leica S (007) but because of the high cost of the system I think I will finally settle for the SL.
Sony A7RII
Back to the past…
Less is more…
A Leica Q60 is my dream camera – a M60 in a Q package!
Hi Steve, yeah I’m so confused on what camera should I get for for the holidays and my honeymoon next year.
I used to a “Pentaxian”(although I sold the whole system long ago for some reasons) and I love Pentax’s prime and limited glasses especially the FA31,43 and 77. I always hope for a Fullframe body to unleash their true beauty and Ricoh say they’re working on it and will release in spring 2016. My heart say I should get this but my brain say no because Size and weight is one of the reason I sold my Pentax DSLR system, I missed many opportunity to capture the moment and memory just because I left my camera at home.
So now my brain say maybe I should get a Sony A7 series. A A7 body with a prime glass should be easier to earn a space in my daily backpack or just around my neck I guess. So the second problem is should I get a 7Rii or a 7Sii.
7Rii for a convenience to crop when you just bring one prime glass and for insane details.
7Sii for the crazy high ISO performance so I can easily shoot in any dim light situation like in a restaurant or indoor parties which you don’t want to use a tripod or have no flash around.
But I’m not sure I can giveup the lovely 42MP backlit sensor for the ISO performance. so I was thinking if tge ISO performance is good enough for me or not on the 7Rii.
Yeah I know I confuse a lot but to invest in a system that’s not cheap is a serious decision I think.
And yes I love Zeiss MF primes too so I think I’ll go for the Loxia line too.
Season’s Greetings, Steve!
While I have always read your glowing reviews of Leica gear, and obviously admire that company’s history, cameras, and lenses in particular, my “wallet” always objected, hence my long history with Okympus, Pentax, and Nikon. While each manufacturer and model offered some joy when using it, I’ve found my most recent foray into Fujifilm the most compelling. The X-System, particularly the XT-1, (despite “only” a 16 mpixel APS-C sensor), combined with some superb Fujinon optics, enable me to print quite large (20×30), with excellent sharpness and detail retention. Further, it’s the first system I’ve used where sharpening in post can be considered optional!
To answer your question, I look forward to an XT-2, and an XF 120 Macro! Happy Holidays to you and Brendan!
Santa please can you swap my brilliant Sony A7ii for one with an R in it – I’ll hang onto my M9 though… I think this may finally rein der GAS problem in!
Phase one xf
Sony A7RII with Batis 25. Or a RX1RII if it had a wider lens would be perfect.
There’s NO camera on my wish list! My wish is to use less stuff for photography, not more. If I could get to the point that I could make all the pictures I want to make with a maximum of one camera and three lenses, I’d be pretty happy.
The new Leica SL, cause I’ve plenty of R-lenses. The Monochrome has to wait!
Leica M-P
XPro2 ,-)
Alas a social security budget is smaller than following my heart. I will shoot what I have rather than wait for what I want. But my Christmas list is filled with 4/3 lens. The SLR Magic 50 and the Panasonic 15 top my list this year.
Do you have a Olympus or Panasonic? I like to go around in the streets taking photos of people and sometimes moving people! Do you get charp pictures when the object i moving like children?
Dream of a digital full frame, mirrorless camera, well tropical weather sealed, with speed, aperture, focus and ISO all manual controls, just plain stuff. Is it too dificult to build?
I’m waiting for the next Leica M. I’ve not upgraded from my M-E (CCD) as I’ve been happy with the results. However, I like what Leica has done with the SL and believe the updated sensor and electronics will find their way into the next M.
RX1R Mark2