Film Friday with an Olympus OM-4Ti and 50 1.2 by Mark Ewanchuk

Film Friday with an Olympus OM-4Ti and 50 1.2

by Mark Ewanchuk – His website is HERE

Hi Brandon and Steve,

I hope you and your readers are all well!

I would like to submit the following for your “Film Friday” feature. These were all taken at the recent Edmonton Folk Festival, which happens yearly in our city. They were shot with an Olympus OM-4Ti and 50mm f/1.2 lens, on Lomo 800CN film. They were self-developed at home, and scanned on the Pakon F135+









Home development guides are available on my site–I am happy to answer any questions!

Best regards,


  1. Nice shots, I really like the colour and the highlight and tone along with the lens rendering and of course the compsoitions and subjects – delightful.

  2. Nice series Mark!

    You should write a guide to film development and classics cameras. Your knowledge on film development must be like an encyclopaedia now :-)!

  3. Good set of photos! First one works best for me.
    Visited your site and I’m in ave – you just earned one more follower.

    Speaking about tech – this combination of camera and lens once was a dream for me. But I chose to go into dark side with pentax. 🙂

  4. I still have my OM T4i from 1986. Not functional but still have it with a couple of lenses.

  5. It’s good to see your work here again, Mark. Love the midshot of Baby J looking past the camera. Lovely atmosphere overall.

    P.S. Your girls are such cute little hippies! 😛

  6. These images are representative of the photos Mark posts on his site nearly every day… do yourself a favour and check out his blog. Mark is my film photography inspiration.

  7. Lovely work Mark! I was not aware of LOMO CN 800, and checked it out at B&H. Not only do your shots show how nice it is , but it is also cheap! $15 for a 3 pack.
    Thanks for the unintentional heads up!

    Kind regards

    • Huss,

      …Now don’t be driving the prices up, man!!


      It is definitely underrated stuff. Perhaps we should stock up while we can?


  8. Your exposure is bang on. Great job. Colour is wonderful. The more i see film photos the more i want to break out the f1n and 50 ssc

  9. I absolutely love my old Lumix 4/3 25mm 1.4 and take very similar pics however I wish Olympus would have make a 25mm 0.95 with of course AF then we would be talking.. especially that greater separation between that cute little girl and your foreground almost like a 1.8 FF…..

    • It sounds like you are a bit confused. If, by “FF”, you mean 35mm format, well, that is exactly what this camera uses – 35mm film! Therefore, the lens has around a stop larger aperture than the 1.8 aperture you mention and greater apparent separation. It’s a manual focus lens…

      I love the richness of the film here and the happy compositions, by the way.

      • Deep,

        Thanks very much for your response.

        I must confess, I don’t remember what aperture many of these were taken at, but it was very bright out most of the day…I’m not sure I got any wider than f/4!

        Best regards,

        • That’s something I loved about film, without realising it at the time! You set the camera for what worked at the time without worrying too much about what the numbers said. Looking at these pictures, I think your depth of field control was spot on.

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