A Trip to Mykonos with my Leica SL
by Shai Ashkenzai
Hi Steve and.dear readers!
Two months ago I flew to Greece with three childhood friends to celebrate the 40 years old, I started in Athens and rented a catamaran to Mykonos through Siros. First I hesitated if I should take a camera and lenses–though!!!-Sun, sea and primarily sand.
The holiday was amazing!! Not something you experience every day-to sleep overnight at sea including the island of Mykonos is vivid and magical location endless colors full of special people and a sea of heaven.
So I was on vacation with my friends they really like brothers to me for over 30 years. Now when I see the photos I understand that Document is an integral part of my life! So I guess it will remain throughout the experience.
So here are some of what my camera caught. The equipment used is Leica SL with 50lux 1.4, 15mm 4.5Voigtlander and 35lux 1.4. Thanks so much for reading and a special thanks to Steve for this opportunity to present my material and all the work you do on your site!
wish you all to have a memories in pictures from all your vacations
Shai Ashkenazi
Your pics are gorgeous and you are making a case for me to consider another M Body 😉 I’ve sold my M body and a few lenses to get an SL which I love. But I kept a few (the best) Leica M lenses and whish I had a smaller, less intrusive camera body again for this type of photography.
thank you Martin
I do know what you talking about, I really want an M body swell (:
Wow, these are amazing captures. Really love the 3 sunset pictures. Well done!
Thank you very much Hans
Very cool photos. Love the B&W.
Thank you my friend
Most of the BW’s are stunning!!! Which camera/lens? (eg the one with the little girl and the one with the boy on the bicycle)
And what kind of processing did you do?
Hey Anders
thank you for the kind words, the camera as I wrote is the Leica SL and the 35mm 1.4
didn’t do much of a process just contrast and highlights and shadows (:
This website is really more for the rich
No not at all. It’s for those who love photography, and like mirrorless cameras. Today, almost all cameras are expensive. Gone are the days of the $350 camera but I review items here that run the gamut from $20 to $20,000.
Just for the rich??? You don’t need to be rich to own a Leica SL. I sold off all my gear I collected over the years and I now have an SL and (4) lenses. The SL and 3 of the 4 lenses I bought used…
That said, ‘rich’ is a relative term. Someone in a 3rd world country would think that you are rich for drinking $4 lattes.
I’m from a third country, more for the rich not just for the rich
Yafe Me’od Shay !!!!
Toda !!!
Toda Raba (:
Black and whites are superlative
Thank you very much Justin
Beautiful Colors. Thank to share
thank you (:
And amazing dof in the shower one
Thank you G.A