Sigma fp camera REVIEW. Tried one, then BOUGHT IT. Here’s why.

Sigma fp camera REVIEW. Tried one, then BOUGHT IT. Here’s why.

By Steve Huff

Buy the FP Kit HERE

The Sigma fp. The new modular camera system from Sigma. It seems not many are covering this in any kind of detail. I mean…a few are, mostly in the cinema world as it seems to be marketed more at video/cinema use. But what about as a stills camera? Well, lock up your credit cards as this little camera has fantastic image quality and is super unique to shoot with. I almost feel like it should have a red dot on it at times. ; )

This setup feels SO GOOD in the hand. With a Voigtlander 21 3/5 M mount lens. 

I was turned on to this little guy after a good friend (who knows his stuff when it comes to cameras) told me that he bought one and fell in love with it almost instantly for photo use. As he described it and shared a few images I said “I NEED TO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS”. The fp uses the Leica L mount, so you can use any L mount lens from Leica, Panasonic or Sigma. You can also easily adapt Leica M lenses to it, or even Canon. Hmmm. “This could be fun” I said to myself. ISO 6 to 102k… Dedicated Stills and Cinema modes..brick like build, no overheating due to integrated heatsink, mic input, two hour video record time..12 Bit HD Video, USB-C battery charging, Up to 12 Bit DNG RAW 4K, all electronic shutter, Electronic Image Stabilization…sounds amazing actually! 

Video Review – The Smallest full frame camera in the world!

(BTW ISO 6-50 is not really a true ISO 6-50 as a tripod is needed to use the camera at these low ISO’s. The camera uses trickery to sort of simulate ISO 6 and can not be done handheld. So yes, you will still need ND filters if shooting wide open, handheld in bright light. These choices are also not available in Cine mode as far as I can see, as in there are no options in the CINE menu for these lower ISO’s. More on this later.)


So I rented a Sigma fp, viewfinder, grip and 45 2.8 lens last week.  It’s a full frame CMOS sensor camera that is modular. The body is a super solid small square with basic controls, has a dedicated switch for stills and cinema use, and super enjoyable menus and navigation.

It is filled with negatives out of the gate though. There is no viewfinder built-in, no grip built-in, and the sensor is not 47MP or 60MP but the standard 24MP. Has only an electronic shutter which could being up problems when shooting in areas with fluorescent lighting (flicker and banding). So this is not a camera for everyone! 

It’s modular so you add what you want and it does come with an attachment that adds a hot shoe so you can add a flash or mic. Don’t need it? Take it off end enjoy the smaller size. Even with the negatives, the first night I had this camera I shot it and came away with two images I will be printing large for display. To me, this says it is a fantastic stills camera. The last time I printed an image I liked was with the Hasselblad X1D. I rarely print my work or feel motivated to do so. Yet I have two images on one night I want to print with the fp. 

The Sigma fp and Voigtlander 75 1.5 shot at the Lost Leaf in Phoenix AZ. I have shot many cameras here and this one did very well. The unique VF experience made this a very enjoyable night of music and photography. It’s like looking through a VF to see a movie screen size EVF as it uses the LCD for the VF. This is a funky but cool camera. CLICK IMAGE for larger. This will be printed. 

It seems many reviewers kind of wrote this camera off as there is almost no real coverage of it online for photo use! A few first looks in the cinema world but it seems many who are photographers may be missing out because as I found out, this is a stunning stills camera that also happens to be a very capable video machine.

The Sigma fp with the Viewfinder. It’s large, makes the camera bigger but let me tell you…it’s so enjoyable to use. It’s the nicest VF experience I have ever had. This makes the experience of using the fp VERY unique, and I love “different”.  This is not the same old same old but rather a quirky, interesting and very capable camera that I feel is just as good for STILLS as CINE. Shot of the camera with the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

I myself even wrote this camera off weeks ago! Why would I do this? Well, for me and my tastes, Sigma has not had any “home runs” in the world of digital cameras. They have had cameras that delivered world class IQ but I never really bonded with any Sigma camera as they were always turtle slow to focus and use and had zero low light abilities. They were quirky and odd in design (which I did like) yet I just have never been a huge fan of the Foveon sensor cameras. I do know they have a solid following of those who adore them because you can not get that kind of color and IQ from a CMOS sensor. This is why Foveon has a small but solid following. But the fp here does not use a foveon sensor which means it should be faster and much better in low light. 

The large but quite amazing viewfinder which is optional and comes in at $290. Best VF experience I have ever had. 

With the Leica L mount we have cameras like the Panasonic S1 series, the Leica SL series and even the TL and CL from Leica (I reviewed the all here on these pages). The L mount alliance is already bringing great things. This fp from Sigma, The new SL2, the Panasonic S1 and all of these new lenses from three manufactures. This is an alliance that is creating some of the most exciting things in the photo and video world here in 2019, IMO. These are all companies and products to look out for in 2020 and beyond.

Sigma fp, ISO 10,000. Voigtlander M mount 75 1.5 Lens. CLICK IT to see it how it should be seen. This image here impressed me to no end. Why? Because in this venue, only a few cameras can get the shot. It’s dark, and the performers are lit with a low output red light. That’s it. Some cameras blow out the reds (Sony sometimes does here), some have too much noise here (Leica SL) and others can not even play here (Micro 4/3). The fp on my 1st outing with it shocked me with the IQ . I will be printing this as my second print from the fp and it’s an ISO 10K shot without any Noise Reduction applied. This lens is one of my faves from Voigtlander. See my review of the lens HERE!

Being a reviewer now for TWELVE years this month, I always have access to whatever camera I want to try out. It’s a sort of “perk” for of doing what I do. So I test and try almost every camera that comes out but I do not review them all. If I do not like a camera or if it doesn’t excite me, motivate me, or draw me in, I do not spend the time to review it. For me, reviews are about sharing my excitement for new cameras that I enjoy with my audience as I know many of you out there have the same likes as me, so sharing my findings on these cameras for you guys is what I do. This camera, the Sigma fp, is a camera that has intrigued me from the moment I picked it up when the rental arrived. It’s not perfect, and there are things I would have liked to have seen included here but as is, for the cost, it is competing with the Sony A7III, Canon EOS-R and Nikon Z6. All three of those are formidable cameras and what one chooses to buy or use all comes down to personal preference.

CLICK IT! To me this looks like an image from something like a Leica M10. It’s crisp, has deep colors, rich tonality, details all over the place and get this…it was shot with a Voigtlander 35 f/1.2 II wide open. This is the best I have seen this lens perform. Using M lenses is easy with an adapter. A dirty nasty sink in a bar bathroom. ISO 1000 at f/1.2

So the question is “why would one choose this over one of the other big brand cameras at the same or less cost”?

For me the answer is simple, for you it may not be so simple. First off, many will be wanting this strictly for video use due to the impressive video specs it has. RAW shooting, 4K, 12 bit Cinema DNG in 4K or Full HD, etc. So many will buy it for this reason alone. Yes, you can even shoot full HD in 12 Bit using DNG RAW IN CAMERA. This provides stunning HD but large file sizes. Go to 4K and the files sizes get even more horrendously large and an external SSD will be needed. This camera offers more (in regards to video) than any other camera in this price range or well above it. One thing to note is the Electronic IS is not available when shooting video in DNG RAW, even in Full HD. So there are a few limitations here in regards to IS and video use.

I also am going to argue for its photo qualities. THIS IS NOT just a video camera my friends. It’s a stunning stills camera… though a bit quirky. 

Most of you out there today want your still cameras full of features. You want them fast and loaded with megapixels and more. I even enjoy things such as 5 Axis IS when it is implemented nicely (as Olympus and Panasonic does) but I am not a huge fan of features that do my job for me. I see no need for 100 FPS or 60 MP for what I do. I see no need for more than 24MP as anything more has more drawbacks than pros as far as I am concerned. (low light suffers, file sizes are larger, need faster shutter speeds to keep sharp images, etc) As I have said for years, a full frame sensor with 24 MP is my sweet spot. It delivers and always has delivered the best of all worlds. Great low light, dynamic range and manageable file sizes and the capability for large prints if needed. These days camera manufacturers, IMO, push higher res as bigger numbers makes some feel like “bigger must be better”. They have to do this to keep selling upgraded models. Nope, give me 24MP on a full frame sensor and I am a happy man.

The way I am choosing to use the fp is not only with the Sigma 45 f/2.8 lens (that seems like it was made for the fp), but with Leica M mount lenses as well. While these days I do not own a stable of Leica branded lenses, I have invested in Voigtlander due to the bang for the buck and slightly more ethereal rendering I get from them. Warmer, more rounded and yet beautiful. Todays Voigtlander is not like the Voigtlander from 10 years ago. The lenses they make today are IMO much nicer when it comes to color and rendering. Seeing that they are at times 1/10th the cost of a similar Leica, it was a no brainer for me and my wallet. If you have interest in these lenses, visit CameraQuest, the USA distributor of Voigtlander glass.

Some of my recent Voigtlander lens reviews: 75 1.5, 35 f/2, 40 1.4, 21 3.5.

Click this one! No noise reduction (no images here have any NR) and from RAW. Converted to B&W yet look at the detail and sharpness here. ISO 6400 and shot at f/1.2 with the 35mm Voigtlander. The tonality is beautiful IMO and reminds me of something out of a Leica Monochrom. 

Using M mount lenses like this is something I have done quite a lot lately, mostly on my old Leica SL. I have shot them on Sony, Nikon, Panasonic and Canon but nothing was better for me then using them on the SL when it came to COLOR and overall IQ, as well as experience. But what about the Sigma fp? Would it be as good as the old SL? Would it improve upon it in the IQ dept? I told myself there was no way this could be, but after testing it…I can say it does beat the original SL with M lenses when it comes to low light/high ISO and the color is eerily similar if not a little better. Shooting the fp is almost like a new improved original SL that keeps the resolution at 24MP when it comes to image quality (not in the hand, as the fp is quite different).

This camera is a LOW LIGHT beast as many 24MP cameras are today. This first image was set at ISO 25,600 at f/1.2 with the Voigtlander 35 f/1.2. CLICK IT to see it how it should be seen. This is ISO 25,600 and yet look at the detail through the window. That’s pretty amazing for this ISO. Sits in the same low light capability as the Panasonic S1. 

I did a side by side against the Sony A7III HERE as an High ISO test. The Sigma won by a hair in noise and had much better color over the now $100 less expensive Sony. Just shows how tech keeps moving along. BTW, I am not sure WHAT sensor is used in the fp but the color is superb. It may now be my favorite camera ever for color. Sigma color science…is very good : )

1st image at ISO 12800 from the Sigma, zero NR. 2nd image from the Sony A7III, zero NR. Click them to see larger and full 100% crop. Sigma wins in color here. 

The Sigma fp is an astounding stills camera and at the same time it is unlike any other camera sold today. Not all will enjoy this camera though. Remember, there is no built-in EVF, the LCD does not swivel, it doesn’t have 5 Axis IS (instead it has an “OK” EIS), no dual card slots,  and it does not have blazing fast AF. With the Sigma 45 2.8 the AF is good but nothing like Sony or Canon, whom I feel has the best AF in the business right now. So if you are eyeballing the fp as a video or still cameras note this. If you want auto focus for video, I feel that the AF is unusable for video on the fp, but most will not use AF for video when using the fp. It is slow, it hunts and can not seem to lock on no matter the AF mode I use (with the 45 and with video).

Yes, the AF for video is VERY slow. 

The Voigtlander 75 1.5 Lens is GORGEOUS on the FP. First one from this lens and from RAW. Second image with Voigtlander 35 f/1.2 in “Teal & Orange” color mode. 

The video AF is to me, unusable if you want reliability. I suspect those who buy this for video will simply use manual focus. Also one thing to note is that with an electronic only shutter, you may see some flicker in your video under fluorescent lighting or banding in your photos. This can happen, usually at higher ISO, in some lighting conditions. I have seen it with my Sony in ES mode. I have not yet seen it in the fp but that does not mean it will not pop up, so be aware of this possibility.

Even the images created by the fp have a cinematic feel about them. This was shot with the 35 f1.2 II from Voigtlander at f/1.2 (I LOVE THIS LENS). ISO 800. From RAW. 

As for the viewfinder, I love it. But even though the fp is great without the VF as well, the optional viewfinder takes this camera to a new level  and while it takes away the small size aspect, it’s not overly large. Just LONG. Not big and wide, not tall and fat..but long. It reminds me of an old movie camera and I feel the VF is being touted as useful for video but it is very useful for photos as well. You can see it attached at the image at the top of this page.

Slap on the Sigma 45 2.8 or even a lens like a Leica 50 Noctilux and the viewfinder allows for amazing framing and focus as the view is huge, clear, bright and unlike anything you may have used. It fastens on with a screw and is super solid.

The process is slow when using manual lenses much like using a Leica M or Hasselblad X1D but that is what makes it enjoyable for me. The process, the hunt for your next great photo. I see this as a fantastic “M mount lens” camera if you do not have the funds or want to spend the funds for a real Leica M or SL. The IQ is VERY Leica Like to me which is nice.

The color and detail is nice. These two are from the FANATSTIC 45 2.8 Sigma lens which is a MUST with this camera. It’s small, light, has decent AF and gives superb cinematic IQ like this… click it for larger!

So at this point I am 2300 words in and just getting started. I will be using this camera more and more and will be giving you guys my thoughts on it as I go along. Out of the gate I am very impressed with the fp as a STILLS camera and I have not even spoken of the VIDEO/CINE aspect of it yet.

This is full frame and low light video is fantastic. I shot some video at ISO 10k that is clean and colorful last night. A little shaky hand held but looks wonderful. While I feel I am more impressed with it as a stills camera, that is not to say I am NOT impressed with it for video. I need to use it more and probably learn more about the color settings within video. There is no LOG profile and the CINE color profile looks awfully yellow to me though the TEAL and ORANGE preset looks REALLY good. Also, when shooting RAW the Dynamic Range is amazing. I was able to recover blown highlights with ease and bring out shadows as well.

Sigma 45 2.8 – Both images with this lovely lens. At $549 it’s a steal. Small, light and gorgeous IQ. Click them for larger! The 2nd image…look at the color and snap! 

The camera does come with the Hot Shoe accessory. If you want to add a flash, a mic, a viewfinder or whatever it has the ability to do so. I feel Sigma will release a small EVF that slides up top for those who want a standard EVF. I feel they SHOULD do this as it would try make it an even better stills camera. Here it is with the hot shoe adapter added along with a mic. Also added is the small grip and the VF. It is sitting on a Leica tabletop tripod. 


BTW you can download the Manual as a PDF HERE. Lots of info there. 

You can save $250 if you buy the FP with the 45 2.8 as a kit. This lens seems made for the FP and I highly recommend it. It’s what I purchased but it seems stock comes in and out on a daily basis at B&H Photo. This kit sells quick when it shows up in stock (as of Nov 2019). You can click the image below to see if it is in stock now. 

You can order the Sigma fp at B&H Photo HERE. 

Amazon has it HERE. 

The Novoflex Leica M to L adapter

The Leica M to L adapter 

The Viewfinder in stock at B&H Photo


The FP camera reminds me of the old Minolta/Leica CL film camera. A square hefty block of metal that feels amazing in the hand. The FP is weather sealed and should be able to withstand the conditions, as most cameras at this price point are today. The dials and buttons are there but they are not thrown all over the top and back of the body. It sort of has a minimalist approach, but nothing is missing. The dial on the back allows you to control EV comp and the QS button above it opens a quick menu (which is fully customizable) where all relevant settings are. Even if you need to dig deeper in the menu, the menu’s themselves are neatly laid out and intuitive. Not as simple as a Hasselblad X1D or Leica M but almost. The interface is clean and easy to read.

Everything on this body is solid, tough and feels as it should. The back near the bottom has buttons for PLAY, TONE and COLOR as well as MODE. Mode changes your shooting mode from A, P, S, Manual or Custom while Color lets you choose between the color profiles like standard, vivid, landscape, portrait, Monochrom and the new Teal & Orange mode which is lovely for video. You can dial up or down the effect by + or – 5.

You can also press the view button to bring up a level to the display screen. The strap lugs screw in and can be screwed out, so if you add a grip you would take out the strap lug and screw it in to the grip. It’s completely modular, which is pretty cool. Without a grip it is not enjoyable to hold for long if you are shooting photos but with the small grip (see it here) it is amazing in the hand. In fact, I love this small grip and feel like it should have been included in the box like the hot shoe adapter was.

These two with the lovely Voigtlander 35 1.2 M mount lens. This has been my fave 35mm for years. Buy it HERE. 

The fp feels like a Leica in the hand when it comes to build, especially with the small grip.

The top panel is beautiful and basic.  A power button that slides up with nice click, a cine/still button, a record button and a shutter button which also doubles as a magnifier when playing back images. The heatsink is there behind the LCD but have no fear! If caught in the rain it will not hurt the camera if it gets wet inside where these holes are. So Sigma did very well with the design here, for the small amount of space they had.


Sigma say the FP has 12.5 stops of Dynamic Range. Not mind blowing (Sony claims 14 stops in some models) but very good as it is. If I were to buy the fp and had issues with recovering highlights I would return it. I am happy to say this is not the case. Below you can see an image sample that I shot to test the recovery of the highlights. The first one is a JPEG from camera, and the second is from RAW where I slid the highlight slider back to recover. No problem. I feel most cameras today have a DR that can do this and the FP is no exception. I’d love to have 15 stops of course. Maybe in 3 years Sigma will do an FP2 with 15 stops of DR, 5 Axis IS, and a small Viewfinder. If they did, it would be my perfect camera, like a true digital Leica CL because it is full frame unlike the Leica CL that Leica has out now.



The sensor in the FP is said by some to be the Sony A7III sensor. If so, it would make sense as this sensor has done very well for Sony in the A7III. But the cool thing is that just because it’s the same sensor it does not mean it will have the same performance. To me, Sigma color science beats Sony’s as of this writing (Nov 2019). I find the color here to be very Leica SL like and I love this. Sigma also decided to skip the AA filter, so there have been reports of Moire in video. I have not seen it yet at all in my tests but I also notice a sharpness and pop that I normally do not see (even in the SL). The sink image above for example. It’s a photo of a nasty dirty sink in a small music club but it’s beautiful in the way it was rendered..the color, the falloff, the depth and the dynamic range. Here is another version of this photo (larger) so you can click it to see more. This was shot at f/1.2 with the Voigtlander 35 1.2 II. The best I have seen this lens perform regardless of camera used.

Larger version with less sharpening applied. Shot at f/1.2

Indoor at night. 

The sensor here is proven and this is the first Sigma to offer a full frame standard sensor over their Foveon sensor but I feel they were able to get the color close to what we see from their Foveon line. Not exact but it’s good.


Voigtlander 35 f/2 at f/2 with the fp

The battery life is fair to good. I guess it depends on how you use the camera. With video, I am hearing that it lasts around two hours of use. So not bad. With photo, my guess is you can get 300-400 shots out of a battery. Maybe more. I suggest two extra spares to throw in your bag or pocket. I also suggest these spares as they are half the cost of the Sigma branded batteries yet get rave reviews. I bought two of these when I bough the camera. So yes, battery life is not anywhere near something like a Sony A7III. Think Sony RX1 battery life instead.

The fp uses a Li-ion battery, Sigma model BP-51. You also have an AC power option using the DC connector CN-21 accessory. The battery charges via USB C while in camera. The fp does not come with an external charger, though one can be bought. I bought this one with the Watson batteries below.



This is one of the few cameras with an easy, intuitive & simple menu system. Much like Leica and Hasselblad, the menu of the fp is basic, simple and very easy to navigate and understand. There are no nested menus that go levels deep. What you see is what you get. It’s alway beautiful when menus are clear, concise and easy to understand. The Quick Menu is also easy to customize and once you set that up, you never need to go into the menu itself.



A few more images from the fp. First, Second and Third image with the 45 2.8 at 2.8. Fourth image (Butterfly) shot was taken with the Voigtlander 75 1.5 M mount lens. 


The Sigma FP has several color modes in camera. When shooting JPEG these color modes will give you the color you seek without having to tweak in post processing. These are mainly for JPEG or video shooters as when you shoot RAW these profiles are not shown in the photos. Below are a series of photos, of the same subject with each color mode in the fp. Snaps below shot with the 45 2.8, all JPEG of course. You can click them for larger.

I find the new Teal and Orange to be nice in some situations. Sunset red can enhance sunsets, and Neutral is great for most situations where you want a more natural color. Not sure what Sigma was thinking with their “CINE” profile as I feel it looks awful. There is no flat or log profile here which I find odd for a camera that seems to be poised at video creators. In any case, the colors are easy to set as there is a dedicated color button on the back bottom of the camera. Love that aspect of it.


It’s interesting that this is considered a CINEMA CAMERA as the stills even have a cinematic feel. I was thinking to myself as I was looking over certain photos and saying “These photos have a cinematic feel, but what is causing it? The shallow DOF? The Color?”. I then pulled out the Olympus EM5 III (which is a great camera for video and photo as well, review here) and snapped a quick snap of my hand. Yep, just a sill shot of my hand to see if the fp could even make this look cinematic. See for yourself what I am talking about. I feel it’s a mix of the color and the DOF from the fp that truly creates images that appear cinematic. Also the texture of my skin is rendered nicely on the fp and sort of obscured in the Olympus image. My skin tone on the FP appears more natural where the Olympus appears more pink. So yes, the images from this camera can look cinematic in their own right.



A new video showing more video samples, and testing and discussing the AF for video. I am no cinematographer but enjoy shooting video from time to time. Instead of shooting in CINEMA RAW as almost everyone else will do, I decided to test the camera in the lowest quality HD video settings. 1080 HD, 24 FPS, LONG over ALL-I. Even with the lowest video settings, it looks pretty good to me!

M Mount Wide Angle vs Sony A7III

So I slapped my Voigtlander 21 f3.5 lens to the fp and the Sony and snapped a quick shot in my yard to see how the lens did on each camera. I also took one with the Sign 20 1.4 ART lens at f/3.5 to see if it did better than the small Voigtlander. The Voigtlander 21 f/3.5 is tiny and I did a write up of it here a while back on the Leica SL. Below are three images. The first from the Sigma fp and Sigma 20 1.4 Art lens at f/3.5, then the Voigtlander 21 f3.5 on the fp at 1/500s and ISO 100. I then do the same on the Sony A7III with the Voigtlander for the third image. You can click them for larger.

1st from the fp with the huge Sigma 20mm f/1.4 ART. The second with the fp and Voigtlander 21mm f/3.5 and the third from the Sony A7III with the same lens. Straight from RAW without any enhancement or changes. Shows how lenses do create color shifts/changes. The difference between the Sigma Art lens and the Voigtlander are large when it comes to color. The Sigma Art is much more contrasty and with a color shift to yellow. The fp with the Voigtlander is cooler in temp and the Sony leans warm/yellow. It appears that M lenses do just as well on the fp as they do on the Sony A7III. I prefer the color and look from the middle shot the most, from the fp and 21. The other two have a yellow cast that is visible when looking at the water.




  • It’s the worlds smallest full frame camera
  • Can use almost any lens via adapter. Old vintage lenses work great on the fp.
  • Modular system, so you add what parts you want or need as you need them.
  • Simple menu, simple controls. Less is more.
  • Beautiful color, in fact, my preference for best color in any 35mm full frame.
  • Crazy video specs, shoots DNG RAW up to 12 bit for video.
  • Has EIS which offers slight stabilization but does crop the image.
  • $1899 is great for the specs. Won’t find any camera in this price that does RAW video at 12 bit.
  • Viewfinder is the best viewfinder experience for manual focus I have ever used. Brilliant (but large).
  • Low light High ISO is up with the best in 35mm (Sony and Panasonic S1)
  • Lack of AA filter means sharper images and they are crisp!


  • No built in EVF or even external option. This is a shame, Sigma should have offered an external EVF that attaches to the side. They have the connection for it on the fp.
  • The viewfinder accessory is beautiful but large.
  • Battery life is average, need three batteries to be safe.
  • AF is useless with video. Decent with photos.
  • Accessories can get expensive/add to the total cost depending on needs.
  • Only one small L mount lens made so far, the 45 2.8. They need more like this lens for this camera.
  • EIS lacks in performance. Should have had 5 Axis IS. (IBIS).
  • Tends to overexpose slightly in most situations. Dial down EV to -0.3 for better exposre
  • Electronic only shutter means banding in some lighting stations. Set to 125s to remedy.

Sigma fp, Sigma 20 1.4 Art Lens at 1.4, out of camera image


This is a unique crazy camera system. Small, modular and cool yet slow to focus and without any real IS that performs well. It’s aimed at video people but most vide pros I speak with say they would use it as a second b roll body rather than a main rig. This is not a pro level cinema camera like a Canon C200 or Sony FX9, both of which offer stunning AF capabilities and IQ. I see the fp as a hobbyist and enthusiast camera, for those who want to delve into photo and even video, possibly to learn as they go. With just the body and the 45 2.8 Sigma, this can be a full frame high IQ point and shoot that delivers stunning IQ and color. Add a grip if you like for $50 (well worth it). If you want to shoot old vintage lenses from Leica, Nikon or Canon you can do that as well with adapters. I use a Novoflex M to L adapter and feel it is up there in quality with the Leica adapter but $200 less expensive. The FP does great with M lenses as well as L lenses. No, it is not perfect and will not deliver perfect corners with all M lenses like an M does (as there is no in camera correction which is what Leica does with the M10 to solve minor issues in IQ). But with lenses 35mm and up, I see no issues in real world shooting. If you are into M lenses with this camera, the viewfinder is a MUST! It changes the whole experience when it comes to using the camera in this way. Sure, it’s long and odd looking setup this way but I think it looks amazing! So may walked up to me and asked me what I was “filming on”. Some thought it was an old movie camera, while others had no idea what it was. I will tell you this…after shooting with the fp for a week, and then going back to a Leica SL or Sony A7III…well those EVF’s appear tiny, dull, dark and well..not very good. The way Sigma developed this viewfinder was pretty brilliant. It’s HUGE, CRISP, HAS GREAT COLOR and WILL spoil you in the realm of viewfinders. I would not shoot the fo without it as it truly makes it so enjoyable to manually focus. 

The camera is simple to use, and set up. It’s basic yet has all we need as a photo camera. I am one who feels this is a better PHOTO/STILL camera than video.  The IQ with photos is astonishingly good, and for me bests my old Leica SL in color and IQ, especially when the lights get low. As a video camera I am a tad cold on it. I will never shoot DNG RAW as I do not have the computing horsepower for the crazy 1400 MBPS files. There is no in body IBIS and the EIS is average at best. The AF is unusable for video in most situations. Sure, cinema users will not use AF but many hobbyists and enthusiasts are looking at this exciting camera and will be let down with the video AF capabilities.  I feel if Sigma added IBIS and faster AF along with even an external SMALL EVF option this would be selling like hotcakes and probably would be a top seller for the rest of the year. It would be my perfect camera if these things were included. Alas, we never seem to get the perfect camera.

As it is, I bought one for myself after renting it to test. I loved the manual M mount lens experience so much with the viewfinder that I purchased the body, the viewfinder and the small grip. Also the Sigma 45 2.8 which is perfect for this camera. It’s all some will need.

But why I love and adore this system is different from how most will look at it. I do not care that it has slow video AF, as I will never need it. In fact, this will be used 99.8% for photos for me as this is not a camera that had photo use as an afterthought. As I said, I feel it is better for stills than video but I am a photographer at heart. If you are looking for a Sony killer, this is not it because it can not compete in features, in speed, or in value and most these days want things such as speed, EVF, eye AF that works, IBIS, etc.

This camera is special IMO. While it does not offer everything like a Sony does, this is partly why I love it so much. I have said for years that todays cameras do all the work for us, so outfitting the fp as a manual focus M mount shooter with the VF offers me a solution where I DO THE WORK to get the photo. This feels like an old Leica/Minolta CL in use as it’s about the same shape and size. It “feels” good both in the hand (with grip) as well as emotionally. To me, different is good, less is more and unique means an experience I can not get elsewhere. I love this little guy. Would I take this over something like a Sony A7III or even original Leica SL? Today, yes I would. For my uses, needs and yes, even wants. Sony’s leave me cold when it comes to body design, and in use and I have always said this. They work and they work well but there has never been an emotional connection between me and a Sony camera. Same can be said for almost all other brands besides Leica and maybe Olympus. For me. This Sigma does offer me that connection, as it has charm and speaks to me enough that it motivates me to use it like a great Leica does.

A note to Leica, make this kind of body but with an EVF, IBIS and a 24MP sensor in M mount. I guarantee you it will blow up your sales and possibly bring you the hottest seller for you in your digital camera history, even beating the M9 in sales . ; ) A real CL ; )

Just a couple around the house snaps with the fp

AMAZON also has the FP HERE


General Features of the Sigma fp (from B&H Photo)

Full-Frame Sensor

Equipped with a back-illuminated, 35mm full-frame Bayer sensor with 24.6 effective megapixels, the Sigma fp is capable of taking high-resolution still and moving images.

Robust & Lightweight Aluminum Body

A body covered with die-cast aluminum on the front and the back helps ensures robustness and heat dissipation while keeping the body weight light.

Large Heat Sink

Designed and inspired by those used on professional cinema cameras, a large-size heat sink is mounted between the LCD and camera body. Combined with a heat dissipation coating applied to the outer surface, the Sigma fp achieves highly effective heat dissipation. It helps prevent overheating at high temperatures or in long hours of use.

Dust- and Splash-Proof Structure

The Sigma fp is protected with the dust- and splash-proof sealing on a total of 42 points over the camera body. When combined with a dust- and splash-proof lens, the Sigma fp is capable of shooting in rain, sandstorms, and other challenging conditions.

Same Screw Threads for Strap Fittings and Tripod

The Sigma fp is fitted with 1/4″-20 threads for both the strap holder on either side of the body and for a tripod. This provides greater freedom in how one uses the camera, from mounting it on a tripod in portrait orientation with the fixing removed, to attaching a strap for use in portrait orientation after screwing the fixing into the hole on the base.

Full-Time Electronic Shutter

Shutter shock, sound, and lags: these are disadvantages of mechanical shutters. The Sigma fp is designed to minimize them in pursuit of a system to adapt to a variety of different shooting scenes. Shooting that requires precision where even the tiniest shake is to be eliminated; shooting without ruining the ambiance of the scene; and shooting with good response, without missing your shot. These types of shooting will open unique horizons in video creation. Furthermore, the absence of a mechanical shutter makes the Sigma fp’s camera structure simpler, which in turn improves its reliability as a camera.

“Teal and Orange” Color Mode

Color grading is a process of altering the color of a video and is an important step in filmmaking that will change the “mood” of a film or other types of work. One color grade style that has been widely used in Hollywood films has inspired a new color mode introduced in the Sigma fp, called “Teal and Orange.” This color mode is about creating high contrast between orange colors, which are found in human skin tones, and teals (cyan blue), which are their complement, for visuals that are highly vibrant and deeply dramatic. It can be used in both the Still mode and Cine mode.

Fill Light

A function formerly available only in Sigma Photo Pro, Sigma’s proprietary image development software, Fill Light has now been incorporated into the body of Sigma fp. Using Fill Light allows adjustment of the brightness of an image by adding extra light energy into the shadow regions without altering the exposure of highlight regions. This provides greater control in producing an image with great details, even with areas that are hard to control using the exposure adjustment settings. The adjustment range, which was formerly ±2.0, has been expanded to ±5.0, making it possible to fine-tune the brightness even more.

Tone Control & Color Mode

The Tone Control menu now has a manual setting option in addition to the two auto options available in previous models (Strong/Mild), which allows users to adjust the tone curve by themselves. The Sigma fp also has an “effect” slider in its color mode menu. It can be used to set the strength of an effect to apply in 11 levels, from -5 to 5, which enables the fine-tuning of the color mode. Additionally, “TONE” and “COLOR” buttons allow for quick access to the tone control and color mode menus. With these enhanced functions and a variety of operation elements, the Sigma fp makes it simple and easy to create an image, in-camera with great details, be it still or video.

HDR Shooting

The HDR shooting takes advantage of an electronic shutter to take multiple pictures of different exposures (3 frames for still photography and 2 frames for video) at once, which can then be merged into a single picture or video with a greater dynamic range that could not have been achieved in normal shooting.

The HDR shooting in the Cine mode is to become available via a firmware update scheduled at a later date.


The Sigma fp comes with a feature to make “Cinemagraphs,” which are animated GIFs that are a hybrid between still photography and video. With this function, the Sigma fp is capable of creating unique imagery, where parts of a still image keep moving, in-camera.

Face/Eye Detection AF

The Face/Eye Detection AF function allows the Sigma fp to focus automatically on the eyes of a human subject. It can bring the eyes of the model into focus instantly and precisely, even when shooting portraits using a large-diameter lens with a shallow depth of field.

Focus Peaking

The focus peaking function highlights the edges of the parts of a scene that are in focus in a particular color. It is designed to help focusing the lens manually.


L-Mount is a mount optimized for mirrorless cameras, characterized by a short flange focal length, large diameter, and improved durability. As an L-Mount camera, the Sigma fp can be used with various L-Mount lenses offered by Leica, Panasonic, and Sigma.

Sigma Mount Converter MC-21

The Sigma Mount Converter MC-21 is a converter that enables the use of the Sigma SA mount and Sigma’s CANON EF mount interchangeable lenses on L-Mount cameras. Use of the MC-21 increases the compatibility and broadens the choice for L-Mount cameras and lenses, thus greatly enhancing the scalability of the L-Mount system.

Supports Raw Video Data Recording

Aside from professional cinema cameras, the Sigma fp supports external recording in 12-bit CinemaDNG format. With up to 4K UHD recording at 24 fps, it produces video data that can be used even in filmmaking. It also supports All-I (All-Intra) recording, which makes it possible to maintain high image quality while reducing file size, allowing light data available for recording and editing.

The feature of playing CinemaDNG footage in-camera is to become available via a firmware update scheduled at a later date.

Director’s Viewfinder

The Sigma fp has a “Director’s Viewfinder” function that allows the user to simulate different angles of view and how an image looks on cinema cameras. It supports cameras by major manufacturers commonly used in filmmaking. It supports not only large format cameras such as ARRI ALEXA LF and RED MONSTRO 8K, but also film cameras and anamorphic lenses.

This features will also be available in the future using a firmware update. Supported cameras include ARRI’s ARRICAM/ARRIFLEX, ALEXA LF/ALEXA Mini LF, ALEXA SXT, ALEXA Mini, AMIRA, ALEXA 65, and ALEXA XT; Sony’s VENICE; and RED’s MONSTRO 8K, HELIUM 8K, DRAGON 6K, EPIC MX 5K, and GEMINI 5K.

Functions Comparable to Pro Cinema Cameras

The Sigma fp’s Cine mode comes with a variety of special functions that are comparable to those of professional cinema cameras. From shutter angle display and waveform display for exposure and color information, to zebra patterning, it comes with the functions and screen displays that can be used in the same way as with conventional cinema equipment.

UI Optimized for Different Shooting Modes

Preserving the distinctive “feels” of Sigma cameras including dials and QS (Quick Set) buttons, the Sigma fp has specially-designed operation systems and displays for Still and Cine modes. At the flick of a special switch, it can move back and forth between the two modes. This presents a shooting experience that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional cameras that are designed either for stills or videos.





  1. Hello Steve! Do you have any information about the pending HDR modes? Specifically, any idea if the HDR video output in CinemaDNG to external recorder? Alternating DNG frames to be externally combined or a 32-bit HDR DNG?

  2. Hi Stevie great review thank you. Question – I can’t engage the EIS when using voigtlaender. Does it only work with Sigma lenses?

  3. Yes I agree with everything. We are filmmakers and the image is stunning. But the IS is so bad and the limited number of good small lenses……after testing it for days..I want to buy this camera but I’m afraid it’s more cute than useful for video as a handheld b cam.

  4. Steve, have you run the Fp through more Leica M mount lenses yet? Do you have a feel for how the M lenses on the FP compare with their performance on the M10? As far as I can tell you’re the only one researching this and it’s really interesting! I have several M lenses and I would consider an Fp if you think it is a true alternative to the M10.

    • The lenses perform about the same as they do on the Panasonic S1 but the fp is not a rangefinder nor does it have a VF built in, so it is quite different from the M10. It can compete with any camera for IQ, and beats the M10 for IQ IMO. But the form, controls, experience is not like an M at all. If it had a built in EVF it would have been my camera of the year. But IQ is with M lenses fantastic on this, the M10, the SL, and even the S1. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  5. Steve, i am late to the show on this fascinating review. i have a curious question: how do you hold/balance the fp with the viewfinder? The reason i ask is that i recently suffered a left arm injury that prevents me from turning my wrist/palm to traditionally rest the camera base plate on my left palm with the fingers extended forward under the lens. If you hold the fp with the right hand on the grip/shutter and the left “around” the lens barrel for focusing, then this camera setup may just be perfect for me.

  6. Hey Steve,
    thanks for reviewing this very special and kind of under the radar camera…. i’m really thinking about getting one. Love the quirky modular-box vibe and the stills look AMAZING. The look of some of the pictures honestly reminds me of my Rolleiflex 3.5 F, very 3D and atmospheric.
    One question: my father has several Leica R lenses packed away that he’ll never use and doesn’t want to sell. Can i use these with the FP via some adapter?
    All the best

  7. Hello Steve
    Thank you for your useful review. I could test it myself and it made a good impression. In terms of picture quality: How would your rate it compared to the S1?
    Iˋm a bit torn between the two cameras. I like the viewfinder of the S1 for my older eyes, but it terms of bulk the fp wins. Is the IQ comparable?

    • I only like and use the fp with the viewfinder attachment. Without that, I would take an S1. The S1 is great, but it is large. The fp, even with the VF does not feel bulky and huge like the S1. But even though it’s large the S1 is a beast of a camera when it comes to performance/IQ.

  8. Steve
    I just bought the Sigma fp after read your report. I also have the voigtlander 75mm. Since this camera has no IBIS, what speed you use when you took the picture in the club with such high auto ISO?

  9. Hello,
    After your review I think that I will replace my 5D markii (to heavy for travelling) with the Sigma FP but I still don’t no which lenses to buy with. I have the 50mm 1.4 (75% of my use) for street photography, landscapes, architecture, the 24 TSE (10% of my use) for architecture and landscapes and the 135mm f2 (15% of my use) for portraits.
    Please, could you help me?
    Thank you.

    • For the 50mm, I don’t know if I take the Voigtlander 1.2 Nokton or the Zeiss 1.5 Sonnar?

  10. Hi Steve. When converting an M-Mount Lens to the – Mount FP, are there any adaptors that make the lenses fully automatic, or is it always going to be manual. I know the Fotasy and Novolfex adaptors can’t do this. How about the Leica M-Adapter-L. The M-Mount lenses I use are Voigtlander. Cheers

  11. Steve, can you confirm, I just got my fp & I’m comparing it with my M9. The adapted lenses on the FP have larger focal length, i.e my 28 is more like 32 & my 50 is more like 55. Have you tried comparing the same lens on your other M camera? (if you have the SL, then would be interesting to know if the SL slightly changes the focal length of M lenses when using the same adapter as my fp is doing) Thx if you can help

      • novoflex and also tried with a cheaper one. umm bit annoying as it’s really different to the M9. I’m also getting a bit of colour shift at the edges with my 50 lux. any thoughts would be appriciated. Cheers

        • Well the is FAR different from an M9 as it is not a rangefinder and you can shoot it above ISO 640 without issue ; ) I do not own a 50 Lux but had zero issues with my Voigtlander 50 1.2 and Canon 50 1.2, adapted. Not sure why the Lux would give issues but remember, Leica M glass gets corrected when using a Leica M due to the 6 Bit Coding, so these corrections are not done on a non 6 Bit Body. Thank you.

  12. Hey Steve can you tell me how the lectronic shutter performs. It is one of those things that really keeps me away from this camera and i have not seen any review that covers this aspect from a photographers perspective.
    I shot some pictures on a party with electronic shutter (using my a7III) a while ago and there were some moving subjects that got really warped. Since then i am more cautious when it comes to using elecronic shutter.

    • Ive touched on this in the reviews (videos and written). There is no issue with rolling shutter here for photos. It’s barely there for video (if you try and induce it) so in this regard it is excellent. I have not yet seen one image with any kind of rolling shutter effect. Not a one. Thank you.

  13. Hi Steve, maybe you have already answered this question hundred times…
    Why dont you simply use an M camera to shoot only M lenses?

    Have a nice day.

    • Yep, answered it many times ; ) For two reasons. One, I find it much easier to use an EVF than an RF these days and also grew tired of M cameras going out of alignment with focus. It happens to ALL of them and most do not ever realize it as they think it’s their manual focus skills. But every M camera I have owned, M8 M9, M 240, M10 all have gone out of alignment within a year. This means anytime you try to use a fast lens like a Noct, Summuilux etc you will never get that critical focus where the images is sharp, crisp, 3D and pops as it should. Sadly, Leica’s repair time these days is months, not weeks. So paying $7-8k for a camera and having to wait months for warranty repair or adjustment is not acceptable to me. Happened with each M I owned and even trying friends M’s, almost all were out of alignment slightly (they didn’t realize it). I once bought an M240, new, and it was out of alignment out of the box. So seeing that I much prefer using an EVF these days, and the fact that M’s do this, and they will ALL do it eventually I have been shooting M lenses on the SL for the last few years. Much prefer it. With the fp it’s an amazing experience, better than the SL for my tastes due to the VF ; ) I wouldn’t want to go back to an M TODAY, for me. I much prefer the SL, FP, Panasonic S1 and others to use these lenses with. Thank you.

  14. Steve,

    Thank you for the excellent review! Having read your write-ups on the EOS R, I had decided on it until I saw this. I intend to use it for landscapes and think it may be the first camera as fun for me as a view camera. In addition to the kit lens what others lenses would you recommend specifically for landscapes?



    • Hey Dean! I still recommend the EOS-R overall and above this for almost all users. The fp is great but for some will be quirky due to the VF, and modular way it works. If you are ok with the viewfinder, and lack of speed for any action the fp is fantastic and would be great for landscape, and yes, fun ; ) Much smaller than the Canon as well but both are fantastic. The problem with the fp is the lenses. ALL others besides the 45 2.8 (which is fantastic) are HUGE! The L mount lenses will all look large on the fp, which is why I mine is set for Leica M mount style lenses. If size is not an issue, almost any of the Panasonic or Sigma or Leica L lenses will do great with the FP and there are lenses that range from 16mm all the way up to wherever you need to be.

      • I appreciate the thoughtful response. I did give the EOS R a hard look and it is an impressive camera, but I ended up ordering a FP.

  15. Steve, would Leica Elmarit-TL 18 mm f/2.8 work on the fp? I know the lens is designed for ASP-C but would be awesome for the form factor if complementary. Thank you!

  16. Hi, what a great review! Would you mind letting us know what strap you’re using on the Fp? Thanjs

  17. Ok, know the price is wildly different, but if you had to pick between the FP and the EVF or a second have Hasselblad X1D, which would you choose? I’m tied between the extra resolution of the Hasselblad and what seems like better low light preference from the Sigma.

    • Well, I can’t shoot my Voigtlander M lenses on the X1D (I can, but it’s not the best for them) so totally different cameras. I will shoot the fp with M lenses and none of the large Leica or Panasonic L lenses. The X1D is gorgeous but quite an investment when you add in the XCD lenses.

  18. Stevie would you upload a video :
    View through fp viewfinder
    Day light, Low Light, Night time.

    To show how Wow it really is compared to every other evf,
    compared to poor hoodman.

    No one’s done this.

  19. Fantastically comprehensive review, Steve!
    Really set up as a modular video rig and I suspect all those videographers considering Canon will migrate over.

    It is a damnable shame they don’t have a dedicated still EVF. That Hoddman-like setup is impracticable for anything but studio or tripod-bound landscape work.

  20. Looks great, Steve, and quite possibly it’s for me as an adjunct to my travel and portrait film camera shooting. I would only use it with the VF and I’m wondering how feasible having them separately stowed in a small bag and attaching it each time would be, or whether one would have to leave them together. Could you show the FP and VF next to other cameras for a size comparison please?

    • I just leave the VF attached full time. I do not use the camera without it. It spoiled me ; ) It just adds length. Not bulk, not height, etc. Just makes it longer but the Vf is so so good, when I go back to other cameras it makes them seem small, dull and not so sharp.

      • I have yet to find a shop that has the VF to try. But as you said, a side mounted true EVF would also be good in the future, especially if it was 4-5M dot res.

  21. Thank you for your review Steve : it made me buy this wonderful camera !
    Just one question : when I use it with the sigma 45 kit lens on manual focus, as soon as I touch the focus ring the loupe automatically appears on the screen to help focusing.
    But, if I use a M lens with the M to L adapter, the loupe doesn’t appear automatically : I must push on the central button of the pad…
    It is quite strange : do you have the same behavior with your Novoflex adapter ?

    Best regards.

    • Yes because the Sigma lens is made for L mount and has the contacts to do this (on the lens). The M lenses do not so it has to be manually pushed. I set mind to full screen rather than PIP. You can also set it to the AEL button if you prefer. Thank you.

  22. Hello Steve, first comment for me here, even though I’m an avid fan of your website/work/reviews.
    I’m a Leica user at heart but lately I wanted to try something new.
    I’m seriously considering this gem and the new Fuji Xpro 3. Both are really different but have a distinct philosophy that I love and suits me well. Have you tried it as well? I really can’t decide…

    • The X-Pro 3 looks nice. I mean, it will shoot like the Pro 1 and 2 but it has some unique things about it I like. With that said, I have never found an APS camera I liked enough to buy. If it were full frame, would be in my hands now ; ) I also was never big on the Fuji lenses though many out there think they are the best ever, and love them. So it’s probably just me. I did enjoy the X-t3, and feel it was the best APS-C at the time. I am sure the Pro 3 is better. Comes down to personal pref as the Fuji will be more complete as a camera with EVF, etc. The FP is a quirky little thing, but enjoyable nonetheless. The IQ reminds me of the M9 but with low light ability : )

      • Thank you so much for your time answering this. I will make sure to use your links when I buy either one of them (still can’t decide… damn!) I might need to rent both to get a final opinion

  23. Hello,
    Which ultra wide lens (21/24) would you recommend for the FP? I’m looking for a lens with very high IQ and no distorsion. Now I have the Canon 24 TSE lens. I’m shooting more architecture photos then landscapes at this focal.
    Thank you and have a nice day.

    • Well, I can only speak to what I use with mine. I use Voigtlander manual M mount lenses. If you want high IQ and no distortion you should be looking at the Leica Summicron line for the L mount, but then I would recommend and SL or SL2 to go with them as they are large. ; ) Lots of lenses to choose from by Leica, Panasonic and Sigma for L mount.

    • Well, it replaced my L mount cameras. Cant really afford an SL2, and I enjoy the modular design and the IQ which reminds me of an M9 with great High ISO added on ; )

  24. Hey Steve, I managed to get hold of the FP and it’s just wonderful. It’s been the digital camera I’ve been waiting for to shoot m-mount lenses with. One issue is vignetting when shooting with the Elmerit-M ASPH 28mm F2.8. Is there a way to compensate for it?
    Do you get the issue with the Voigtlander lenses?

    • Hello,

      Those lenses will vignette on almost any camera besides an M10 or older M240 or a Leica SL. That is because those cameras compensate for the flaws of the lens, using the 6 bit code to correct in camera. You can easily fix any vignetting with a slider in photoshop or Lightroom if needed. I do not have the issue with my Voigtlander lenses, and didn’t even have it with the 21 3.5. I do not own the 28 Elmarit so was not able to test it. But as with always, the only cameras that will fix those issues with the lenses are the M and SL bodies, as long as you use the Leica adapter on the SL (it reads the 6 bit code).

      • Thanks for the feedback. I don’t have too much time for post processing , so I might have to look into Voigtlander then. Thanks for the amazing advise as usual.

  25. What is the Sigma LVF-11 accessory viewfinder diopter adjustment range? (I think it is -2.0 to only +1?). Not stated anywhere. Nice to know for those requiring it.

  26. I keep going back and looking at these images and I’m really blown away. Seriously they’re that good. Some of the best photos I’ve seen you take, which says a lot. I see why you have jumped on board.

  27. I think you mentioned on your video that EIS does not function with your Voigtlander Leica M mount lenses, nor with any attempt to capture DNG or CinemaDNG. Can you please confirm this?

    With this limitation, are you leaning towards using lenses with Canon EF mount on this camera?

    • Yes that is correct. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest as I will not be using this for video, but photos with my M mount lenses. I have no need for IBIS for photos.

  28. Hi Stevie,
    Great review. The photos look so good.
    One question: I’m planning to use it for my Leica 35mm Summicron ASPH and other wide angle rangefinder lenses. Will there be any color shifting issue/purple fringe like what we have on Sony A7 series?

    Thank you.

    • I have not tried any Leica M lenses, just the Voigtlanders I own and enjoy. I have had no issues with the Voigtlander lenses from 21mm t o 75mm. I would think the 35 cron would be fine, and while not as good as on an M10, at least as good as it would be on the SL.

  29. I wish Voigtlander start to put out APO series lenses for L mount. Their 21/f1.4 65/f2 are exquisite. New 50/f2 looks promising too.

  30. Hi Steve as usual great review 🙂

    I have one or two questions: I am buying a camera in the few next days: My initial choices were the Leica Q (or Q2 in second hand), the CL and now I am really intrigued with this Sigma camera. My main use is for photography (98%). From what I have read in your comments is that the FP offers better IQ than the CL. What about the Q?

    My second question is about the viewfinder. How is it to use? Looks massive, can you easily the few buttons below and on the side? Is it not cumbersome in use? Would have loved an external smaller (adaptable) evf.


    • A friend of mine just sold his Q today for an fp interestingly enough. The fp sensor is better than what is in the Q or CL. The CL is APS-C, so less shallow DOF if that is something you like. Low light, color, detail…all will be better in the fp over the other two IMO. But, you will be missing out on a viewfinder, as the fp has none built in. AF between these cameras is similar so the fp will Af about as fast as the CL. Electronic only shutter as well. The viewfinder is amazing. I would not own the camera if it were not for the VF. It is the best VF experience I have ever had, and makes the SL and Sony VF’s appear small and dull. It’s light and makes the camera long more than bulky. It’s light and high quality and screws onto the camera so it’s super sturdy. Highly recommend it for photo use, especially is using manual M lenses. With AF lenses, and good eyes, you can get by without the VF.

      • Thanks for the reply Steve. My eyes are not very good lately. So for you better IQ etc. Regarding the Q2 also? I don’t understand one thing, I have been waiting for reviews for the FP and apart from yours i can’t find anything (written of youtube). read one today, from an indian user I think. it’s odd. lot’s of stuff on the SL2, the Xpro-3. Is it something to do with the positioning of this “strange/particular” camera?

        • The way the review industry works for 90% of those who do reviews is..

          1. Camera company sends review unit to reviewer.
          2. Reviewer uses the camera for a week or two.
          3. Reviewer writes review that is neutral and just talks of specs and maybe a negative or two.
          4. Camera company is happy and keeps the reviewer on the review list.
          5. Reviewer sends camera back (98% of reviewers do not get to keep units, but maybe 2% do if they have big numbers)

          It appear Sigma did not send review units out to anyone and most reviewers would not rent or buy a camera to review it as I did ; ) In fact I only have two camera companies that send me review units, even after 12 years of doing this as I do not “play the game” ; )

  31. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for all the reviews. Particularly interested in this as a complement/replacement for my RX1, as the form factor is very similar. For me this would be perfect if it had a hotshoe EVF instead, but the add on finder seems very interesting.
    The RX1’s screen is its biggest shortcoming in my experience, it’s not really viewable in the sun at all, and is somewhat lowres compared to Canon/Nikon screens. Is the Sigma more usable in bright light?

    • It’s about the same as all other cameras in bright light. But I use the VF 100% of the time and will not take it off, so not an issue for me. But if shooting in bright light, an LCD is normally almost always going to be less than ideal. Thank you.

      • Hi Steve

        Thanks for a an enlightening review. I am in between the Leica q2 and the sigma fp with kit lens. My use will be for personal travel photography friends and family. What do you recommend? Evf not a major issue.

        • Well, the Q2 has an EVF but also sticks you with the 28mm lens and the 47MP sensor which is not good in low light, at all. DO you want a 28mm 47MP daylight camera or something like the fp? The fp is fantastic in low light, has a 24MP sensor, is smaller and feels even more solid than the Q2 but it lacks a real EVF which is a dealbreaker for many. If the fp had a built in EVF it would be PERFECT, almost like a mini M with EVF. Not sure why Sigma did not release one, even an external, as they have the means to attach one. I guess it all comes down to that. Q2, 28mm, 47MP, not good in low light. The FP is small, built crazy good, up there with the best in low light but no evf. The big VF attachment is amazing, but not for everyone. I love it but it does make the camera long.

  32. Great review! promptly went out and bought the body and viewfinder…quick question on the focus process Steve: I have been using sony Alpha bodies for years upon years and it’s second nature to hit the C1 button to punch in then use the dial to move the focus point around. Say I wanna punch into an eye that’s on one of the 1/3 grid points, it’s easy you just move the cursor around. How do you do that on the FP since you can’t touch the screen obviously with the viewfinder on, and I haven’t found a menu item to allow the focus point to move easily with the dial (that’s just one click). Also, have you found a quick way to access ISO from the dial – or is the QS button the only way?

    • To move the focus point you push down on the control wheel, then the AEL button to move it. I only use the center so doesn’t bother me (I’ve focused and recomposed for 20 years) but it is a process that requires two button pushes. I am hoping for a firmware update to make this easier. ISO, I leave on auto 100% of. the time, but to change it quickly you would need to press the QS button and then the dial to change it. Just as easy as an ISO button really. I have the ISO set up as the first menu item in the QS menu, so when it opens up it is on ISO. But I just leave mine on auto, and in A mode. I have it set from 100-25600 in the auto settings.

  33. Thanks for this great review! How do you think the combination is with the APO-Summicron-SL 35mm? This lens appeals to me a lot but not in combination with the SL, too big and too bulky as a set. I want to use it for 50/50 still and video. I don’t know if I want to use the EVF attached to the Sigma.

    • No idea but I would not use. the 35 cron L with this as those lenses are much too large for my tastes. On the SL, they are a great fit, on this, not so much. The EVF is the best thing about this camera IMO. After using it, I find it hard to look through even the SL, and especially the Sony A7III. Makes using the camera with manual lenses so much nicer. I’ll never remove my VF from the fp ; ) But IMO those large SL lenses are too large for this small body and the AF will be slow for video, unusable really. Photos, it’s decent but not for any kind of action (sports). Thanks.

  34. How is it with movement ? Like a jogger ‍♀️ or pAssing by walking person? As it’s only electronical shutter is there a big disadvantage ? I DON’t need it for quick objects just Street photography?
    Best Andy
    Instagram Andyschulzphotographer

    • Will work like any other camera when it comes to a moving subject but it’s not in any way a sports or action camera. I spoke of the electronic shutter in the written review and the second video. I have had zero issues with the electronic shutter. I bought one after testing one but will use it only with M mount lenses and the viewfinder. It is possible to get banding (I have yet to see it in any of teh photos I took) in fluorescent lighting at certain shutter speeds and ISO’s as it does only have an electronic shutter. If this happens, just set the shutter speed to 1/125s and it will cure the issue. I have not seen it though I know a few others have, so it is possible. There is no issue with rolling shutter, or again, I have not seen it. Thank you.

      • I bought the camera and I do really love it, but I have had a lot of issues with banding and LED lighting. In natural lighting the camera is awesome but LED lighting is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s age. We have a lot of LED lights (Philips Hue/Sylvania) in our house and the results are pretty much unusable when our lights on. Even at 1/100 down to 1/50 I see still see hints of banding. I’ve tried a bunch of different settings but it’s been pretty unavoidable. It’s a bummer because I do take a lot of photos of our 3 year old son in the house. As much as I love the camera (color, size, weight, feel/design) it might be a deal breaker for me. 🙁

  35. Hi Steve,

    Enjoyed your review of the world smallest full frame mirrorless camera – Signa FP. I myself a full frame range finder (M9 and M240) and mirrorless (Sony RX1) shooter. I am also a one camera and one prime lens guy. I shoot landscape, street, and architecture. Sigma FP really appeals me with respect size and simplicity. I like what you said its color is in par with Leica M. I have a couple of questions I wonder if you can spare a couple of minutes. Thanks for your help in advance.

    1. Like you, I intend to use Sigma FP for photos primarily. You said its’ autofocus is decent. Comparing to Sony RX1, which one is better? Sony RX1 autofocus really sucks in low light conditions by many photographers, including me.
    2. Battery life. RX1 battery beats me many times even I have a backup one. Does SP battery have a longer drive?


    • I believe the AF is better on the fp than the original RX1, which I remember as not being so hot. As for battery, the RX1 was pretty bad, the FP is better. Thank you!

  36. Hi Steve, thanks for reviewing the sigma fp. I think this is one of the first review on fp with leica m lens.

    Few additional questions:
    1. Is there any shutter sound on this camera? Or is it completely silent?

    2. Can configure any button to perform a magnification when using manual focusing? I personally prefer manual focus on the screen with magnification than EVF.


  37. Steve, many thanks not only for the review, but the photos. The black & white of the cellist is great!
    Your review def makes me want to buy the camera, the only drawback is the lack of an EVF…as you noted und since I want to use it with manual lenses. Is there one customizable button for the focus magnifier?

    • The button in the center of the scroll wheel magnifies the view. I was out testing more today and going from the FP VF to the Sony A7III made the Sony look minuscule, dark and awful! Im now spoiled by the VF of the fp and LOVE it. I would only use this camera manually with the VF as it takes up the experience 100 notches. It doesn’t add much weight either.

  38. Steve could you just comment on how useable the SP is for stills without that huge silly viewfinder?

    • Well, it’s not silly in the slightest. It’s the best EVF experience I have ever had. But without it will be like shooting any camera without an EVF. Fine for auto focus lenses, but IMO, not great for manual focus. The reason I bought one was for the EVF and shooting manual lenses. Some will but it for cinema only use, others for a small full frame P&S style. That’s one cool thing about it, you can make it into whatever you want.

  39. Just a quick note, Steve: your photograph of the bathroom sink is….more than superb. It has a special je ne sais quoi that is hard to put into words. A truly remarkable photograph. I enjoyed the article – but even more, I enjoy the ‘eye of the photographer’ – and your vision, in that photograph. Seriously.

  40. I’ve just purchased a 7 Artisans Leica M to L mount adapter. When mounted on the Sigma fp, it disables the camera. You can’t even access the menu. All you see is a black screen. As soon as you take the mount off, the camera jumps back into life. Very strange. You would think that any M to L mount adapter would work, but it doesn’t seem the case.

    • I use a Novoflex adapter and it works perfect. Strange that the one you use is not working. I also use a $20 adapter for Canon glass and that also works. Hmmm.

  41. Hi Steve. Interesting camera. You mentioned banding with flickering light as the camera only has an electronic shutter.
    In europe, I can only shoot at 1/50s or 1/100s (equal or 2x the electrical frequency; and slower than 1/50s) to have unnoticeable banding. I suppose in the US, it’s 1/120s, 1/60s and slower. This means that in mixed bright lighting of natural light and LED/flourescent, banding will be apparent if one shoots outside of the sensor readout constraints. Is it right that the FP is not as good as the Sony A9 in sensor readout speeds to prevent banding?
    Many of the low light photos above show no banding. Did you constrain the shutter speeds for those?

    • I have done nothing special to avoid banding, I just haven’t seen it and I have been shooting daily. I have seen no banding in photos or video yet. If I do, I will post and add to the review. Is it possible? Yes, of course but unless it stops me from creating photos by showing up in my images or video, it doesn’t bother me that it could happen. I have seen banding from a Sony using the electronic shutter, but not yet in the fp. Again, doesn’t mean it does not exist or can’t happen, just has not shown up in even one photo of mine. Thank you.

  42. That butterfly photo is beautiful – which lens was it if not Sigma 45mm? Are these photos all SOOC JPG/Raws without any editing? I am interested in camera processing functions for stills – mainly colors mode. Did you find these useful? Thanks

      • Thanks, I overlooked that color modes coming soon, so I’ll stay tuned. There is interesting thread about new Sigma 45mm on, it really has lovely rendering and with FP body perfect for travel.

        • The 45 2.8 is a nice lens indeed. Nothing earth shattering, but great for the money (bang for the buck is High). It’s sharp, a tad clinical and a tad soft when shooting close but a decent lens with great contrast and color. Perfect size as well for the fp.

          • Voigtlander is of course better than Sigma, as clearly seen in photos of garden dwarf. Looking at the colors mode JPGs… I love Fuji film simulation in my X-PRO1, but I think that colors and tonality of Sigma FP are so good SOOC that I can forget it. Definitely on my short list for my first full-frame mirroless.

  43. Thanks for this, you can hardly find any reviews of the FP online so this is very useful. I’m amazed by the colour so far, really rich and beautiful.

  44. Hello,
    Are there a lot of differences between the Sigma 45mm f/2.8 lens and the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.2 lens on the FP? What kind of differences?
    Thank you.

    • Huge differences. The 45 2.8 is a small, light autofocus lens with a max f/2.8 aperture. The 50 1.2 from Voigtlander is manual focus only, all metal build so it is more hefty and has an ultra fast f/1.2 aperture. But shooting at f/1.2 is much different than shooting at f/2.8 when it comes to shallow DOF.

  45. Hi there, couldn’t find any info related to the electronic shutter downsides (read rolling shutter).
    Any feedback so far, when shooting at high speed?

    Thanks for your review!!

  46. Fascinating review – thanks. Seems like you really liked the add-on viewfinder. Weight is important to me when I travel and walk so the small and cute Sigma FP caught my attention and I don’t mind an excuse to buy new gear. However, the combined weight of my A9 + 35 f2.8 is only about 156g more than the Sigma with the 45 f2.8 and the A9 with 55 f1.8 is only about 317g more. Given the feature and performance advantages of the A9, and how I shoot with no interest in video, I’m willing to accept the relative small weight penalty of the A9. I look forward to your rolling review of this very interesting camera.

  47. If you actually like this type of optical magnification LCD viewfinder, this is available for most cameras. See the Zacuto Z-Finder 3x Optical Viewfinder Hood Loupe (Schneider optics) for 3″ LCD which I purchase for my Nikon D700 years ago for $375. Optically beautiful, but an ergonomic kludge. The main benefit of mirrorless cameras over DSLR’s with live view is eliminating this bulky awkward optical viewfinder kludge in favor of an electronic viewfinder.

  48. Hi again Steve
    Do you know if the add on hot shoe is actually capable of supporting an external evf that might be offered eventually by Sigma or a third party?

    • Yes it is. I feel they may end up making one for this. They should because this is a phenomenal stills camera. Without a standard EVF…this is a dealbreaker for most. With an EVF, a nice small square design, this would be amazing and Sigma would sell so many more to those who want this for a small full frame photo camera. Would be silly not to release one.

    • As I said in the video, I would not use AF with video on this camera. It’s slow for video and has a tendency to go in and out. The fp has weaknesses. Slower AF, no really good IS option and no built in EVF. These matter to most but not to all.

      • Hi Steve, great write up. Do you have a method of transferring images to your smartphone when out and about away from your computer. I was trying to find the wifi settings on my FP, and then realised it hasn’t got any 🙂

        • Thank you. I never transfer images while out (nor do I use apps for my cameras) so did not even think about that. Grrr, so sorry I did not mention this. No, the fp will not have an app to do that.

  49. Great review as always! Thank you.
    It reminds me of the tiny, similarly rectangular Panasonic MFT GM-1 supersized to FF…with an even slower flash sinc of 1/30 vs 1/50..

  50. Thank you for an excellent review. Your enthusiasm is contagious and made me pull my credit card and order the camera body and the 45mm lens ;). I plan to use the fp mostly with M lenses.

  51. Thanks again Steve for another great review. How would you rate the image quality of the Sigma as compared to the Leica CL? I have few Leica M glass that I use on my CL and was thinking if it brings anything extra and if it is worth it to own the Sigma on top of the CL for still photography. Thanks.

    • Well, the fp, IMO, has a much better sensor in many ways. Low light being one. The fp sensor will beat the CL in any kind of low light. I also feel the fp sensor will deliver better DR and of course, a more shallow DOF if you like that. The CL is another great camera but it, like the fp, is limited in some ways. If the fp had an EVF it would be no contest and at half the cost of a CL, would wipe the floor with it. The fp has AF just as fast as the CL, better IQ, better low light, much better video, and feel better in the hand (more solid). The weakness of the fp is that it lacks a real EVF and not many will want the big LCD evf. If you are ok with the LCD EVF the fp will deliver better results than the CL in almost every situation. The CL is smaller still but not full frame.

      • So Steve according to your comment, do you think fp is better than the TL2? (I was waiting for the TL3… if there will be one)

        • Image quality wise, yes. But usability? Depends. If you require and EVF the fp has none (just the large VF). The sensor is larger, so the improvements that come along with that vs APS-C will be there, namely low light and DOF control.

  52. So every other reviewer has been doing a SL2 review, but Steve you manage to stand out by reviewing something different. Well done to you sir!

    Obviously we all still want to read your SL2 review

  53. Steve, nice discussion here. Was there something special you did in post-processing for example on that shot of the sink? there’s something about it that looks really beautiful and unusual I can’t put my finger on it

    • That’s what I thought when I opened the file. I just went back and looked at what I did. I added some sharpness (though I feel I added too much) and bumped up the contrast a notch and the shadow slider a bit. That’s it. Left the color as shot.

  54. Great little compact camera !
    How does the AF work with Canon Lens like 50 mm1.2 L ? Is it accurate or not , very slow or similar like Panasonic S1 ?

    • My adapter is not an AF adapter so I use my Canon 50 1.2 in manual focus only on this camera and the SL. I will eventually get the Sigma adapter to try it out but the adapter I use was dirt cheap.

    • Steve I love you but you will sell this in about 6 months to go back to Sony and Leica. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. The images do look freaking amazing!!

      • Wont be back with Sony, I just never use them other than to review a lens or something. No personal enjoyment from them when compared to a Leica SL, etc. I will not go back to an M, and haven’t in a while as my eyes are too bad, and I am not a fan of the RF going out of alignment every year, which has happened for me anytime I owned an M. It’s a hassle and with an 1-6 month wait for repair, no fun. The SL is sold, and the only Leica I would ever go to is the SL2, if it can shoot in low light and look good. I have yet to test it but will starting next week. If it uses the same sensor as the Q2, I am afraid I will not like it. The fp has IQ that reminds me of the M9, and it’s quirky, fun, interesting and always makes for conversation when out. I adore it for my use (manual, M mount lenses, photo only) with viewfinder. Thanks.

  55. Hi Steve
    Thanks for doing this review. There’s very little out there emphasizing stills photography. One question – can you easily access exposure compensation with this camera? I’m used to my Ricoh GR with it’s very simple control layout and dedicated rocker for compensation.

  56. Love the simplicity of the camera. Just wanted to point out that pricewise, pretty close to the price of a used m9 too, which is also a great fit with m lenses and has that gorgeous CCD look and a bright VF. My question to you is whether this displaces an sl, sl2, s1 or s1r or is it a great addition?

  57. Hello,
    Thank you for your rewiew.
    I’m looking for having a small full frame camera to replace my Canon full frame.
    I love my Canon 135 f/2.0 for all my portraits photos.
    Do you think that I can Have the same results (or better) with the FP?

    • Hello. Well, do not expect Canon level AF, especially with an adapted lens. Depending on the model of Canon you have you may see a substantial upgrade in low light/High ISO, color, dynamic range, etc. But this fp is very different from a Canon DSLR (or even a Canon R). I would suggest seeing if you could try one, hold one, or rent one. Without a built in VF, that may be a dealbreaker for some at this price point. Me, Im excited about it as I will use my small Voigtlander M lenses on it manually and an L mount or two. Thank you.

      • Thank you for the quick response.
        I have the Canon 5D mark ii camera. I’m not afraid by the manual focusing or the VF.
        My question was in term of result (sorry, my english is not so good). Even if it’s very personnal, do you think I will have the same feeling when I will see the pictures from the FP camera and I will not be disappointed : bokeh, range (I like to be far from my subjects so they didn’t see me shooting), sharpeness…
        Thank you.

        • The IQ from the fp is as good as it gets in 35mm full frame. Canon is also up there. Canon has a different color science and feel to their photos. The Sigma will give you sharper results I feel due t shaving no AA filter. Hard to say though as cameras are a personal choice.

          • Each manufacturer has their own color signature, even in the RAW files. Canon, Fuji, Leica, Sony, etc. All different in color even if shooting RAW.

          • Wich lens would you recommend on the FP for portraits. The Voigtlander 75 seems very good, but i’m affraid that it would be to short for my use (now I’m using a 135)?
            Thank you.

  58. Thanks for the great review. I’ve been contemplating another Sigma. I have the Sigma SD14 from a decade ago. That thing was built as tough as my “hammer” Pentax. The coil in your photo makes me think “ham”. Will be watching for the extended reviews. – Ron /WB8LZR

  59. Hello Steve,

    Thanks for the review, it is really difficult to find anything talking about the stills side of this camera.
    Could you please elaborate on the manual focus options available (zoom, peaking etc.) and also do you see any issues with the electronic shutter (readout speed)?

    • Hey Mario, thanks for reading/viewing. The manual focus operation is wonderful with the viewfinder. My eyes are not so good these days so my ip close viewing is horrible. For this reason, and the fact that my glasses fix my distance sight rather than close, I have a hard time with the EVF and manual lenses. But when I add the viewfinder it is fantastic. Huge, bright and crystal clear as it is magnifying the LCD 2.5X. So manual focus is a cinch even without aids but if I want critical focus I push the button in the center of the wheel on the back and it magnifies for that reason. Focus peaking is also there but I leave it off as I prefer the magnification (if I even need it). I have not yet had any issues with the shutter but then again, I am not a speed shooter. I shoot one frame at a time, as I always have. Even when I owned an A9 I shot one frame at a time. : )

  60. Thank you for reviewing this camera! It’s an M without the M :-). I am looking forward to the additions to the review (in particular how it works with M lenses). I agree a EVF would be a nice option. Don’t know they will add it. The other viewfinder-less Sigma camera’s don’t come with one either. I would say it shouldn’t be too hard to produce one. It is still amazing Leica doesn’t come up with a camera like this, by the way.

    • Feels like an old CL (film model). Small square box. If they release a small square external EVF it could not only look cool, but would be welcome by many and I feel open this up to more photographers who see the lack of one a dealbreaker. Not sure why they didn’t offer this already but I hope they will. If it had an EVF that could be added to the hot shoe, would be like shooting an old original CL in feel, modernized of course. If Leica would deliver a body like this, with EVF (external or internal) they would charge $5000 for it, at least.

      • Thank you. Like a CL (film). That’s great!! I have a CL (my entry to rangefinder cameras) and love the size (and weight).

  61. Hi Steeve, thanks for the review. Regarding Focus Peaking, is it as good as Sony ? Is there a magnification system for focusing with manual lenses ?

  62. Thank you for this Steve! I think a lot of people were waiting for this review. Would love to see how images compare to the original SL. With the same lens maybe, the 35 1.2 from voigtl. To be honest I was considering selling my leica m-e and get one of these but I’m still leaning towards the sl I think. The grain / noise I see on these new sensors reminds me of cellphone quality grain and I really don’t like that. Anyways. Just wanted to thank you for this. Cheers!

    • The original SL will bring much more noise at something like ISO 10k, 12k, etc. The SL noise is not attractive at these ISO’s, which is why I always try to set it to 6400 or lower if I can. The Panasonic S1, Sony A7III and this Sigma easily beat the SL for low light/High ISO. In normal light the SL is a dream to shoot with M lenses, as it’s all there and complete. This camera offers a different experience and that’s where the decision should be made. IQ wise they are similar more than different (besides the High ISO). Thank you.

  63. Thanks for that review. Regarding the effectiveness of the monitor loupe for manual focus: the Digma FP LCD is 2.1MP, to compare with the 3.7MP of a Z6 EVF or the 4.4MP of a Leica SL.

    So, granted, the size of image with the Sigma loupe must be very big with plenty of eye relief, but the magnified resolution cannot be nearly as precise as a proper high res EVF. Not too sure of how this combines for low light focusing?

    Also, that loupe is really awkward ergonomically and completely defeats the compactness of that very nicely built naked brick – with loupe on body, it becomes much more awkward to carry than a Z6 or A7III, and loses all “sleath” advantage. Furthermore, the absence of IBIS does not encourage usage without the loupe in low light/low speeds (under 1/125 or so) as we all know how hard it is to hand hold a camera at arms length with enough stability, even more so while focusing manually. And that is assuming one’s eyesight can accommodate that.

    A couple of questions nonetheless at the end of all this: I am looking for an affordable compact MILC backup for my M10 (so, not a SL or SL2), and had my eye pretty set on the Z6 (as I also have a stable of F-mount lenses). But I am worried with wide angle performance for such combinations. Beyond “colour science”, did you compare the output of your 35mm f/1.2 VM with what you get with other MILCs? Did you try the Sigma FP with 24/21 mm or wider M-mount lenses? Do the corners survive?

    Thanks beforehand for any colour you might add to the above.

    • I have an SL and the EVF of the SL beats the Nikon, Canon and Sony’s (betides the newest A7RIV) yet this VF add on, when in use, looks MUCH better than any of them. Resolution is not an issue, at all. In fact, it’s easier to nail focus on this than the SL as it’s easier to see. So none of that matters to me, the numbers. Only real use does. Ive never had a better VF experience in my life. But I enjoy the huge crisp look with great contrast and color. Makes it easy. Will not be for everyone due to the bulk it adds, or more of the shape it creates. I bought one to use with M mount lenses with the VF. In this way, I adore it and the process. I prefer the IQ to my SL and also enjoy that I can remove things such as the VF, grip, hot shoe if I want it in my pocket. I can slap on the 45 and have a small compact body to use with AF anytime. It’s flawed for sure as I state in the video (needs better IS, better AF for video especially, would have been nice to have a small external EVF to add to hot shoe) but some will still really fall for it as I and many others have. IN Japan it outsold all other cameras in October. Beat the Sony’s, Canon’s and Nikon’s. It has charm for sure. Thank you.

  64. Regarding 24MP being sweet spot, don’t you think in 5 years or so 8K displays will be becoming popular, and in 10 years ubiquitous? You need around 35MP to display image on full screen on such display without upscaling. Now you could argue that in 20 years we will have something even different, but the point it cameras with 35MP+ are popular and easily available today, so it’s very easy to plan today for displays we will use in 5-10 years from now. And that’s not 24MP for sure…

    • No, I do not. In five years I will still say “24 MP” is the sweet sport for me. I can print as large as my heart desires, I can share online without issues (can do that with 3MP) and I just bought my first 4K TV a month ago. I will not be buying an 8K TV anytime soon or ever. People are made to feel like they “need” things by manufactures all the time. You NEED this and NEED that. The truth is we do not need 90% of what is pushed on us. There’s nothing I can not do with a 24MP sensor but there are things I can not do with a 47 MP sensor. Will be the same in 5, 10 or 15 years. Why would my 24MP image not look good on an 8K monitor anyway? I do not pixel peep. Rather, I look at an image as a whole, look for emotion and feeling. Those things do not require more MP.

      • The reason why 24MP image would not look as good as it could on 8K monitor is the same reason why 3MP image doesn’t look as good as it could on 4K monitor – it needs to be upscaled to be displayed full screen, thus depending on the content of the photo will look less crispy *without* pixel peeping – it’s noticeable on the image as a whole. Kind of like watching 1080p movie vs 4k movie on 4k screen – the difference is there, some people will notice it immediately, some people will have to look for it, and others won’t ever notice it, but it’s there and doesn’t require pixel peeping. 🙂 Cheers!

  65. Steve thanks for review! Glad to know that FP is strong as a still camera.It looks like everything is nice about this cam except moire/aliasing artifacts on video judging by some test shots I saw. As you mentioned many people are interested in FP’s video side, so if you could tests its moire /aliasing capabilities in your further review it would be great

    • I’ll have a video test soon but nothing super professional as I am not a cinematographer. So far I have not seen any issues but doesn’t mean they are not there. : )

  66. This is why you have the best camera YouTube channel IMO.
    Everyone ignored the stills side of this camera. Your perspective on the FP was great. I wonder how the image of the Fp will look against the SL2? I just preordered one, but had my eye on the FP before I eventually decided on the sl2.

    • The SL2 will be nice and have more resolution of course. I feel the SL2 will be nice it’s all in one, rather than modular…faster AF as well. This one, even with faults, I was drawn to for a few reasons. ( I love quirky and different when it works well). The SL2 looks amazing, and I am still waiting for Leica to send one for review. Should be anytime now. The SL2 in low light is what I am most curious about as the Q2 failed that test for me (my uses) due to the 47MP sensor. Same with the S1R. Great cameras otherwise though. This camera is more like an old Leica CL (film model) in shape and size so much smaller on its own over an SL2. Add the VF and it’s still lighter than an SL but larger/longer. Love it!

      • Thanks Steve! I’m happy I have the SL2 on its way but Damn, that bathroom sink photo makes me want to grab an FP!

  67. Thank you for including the link to the instruction manual. It appears the touchscreen can be used to select the focus point, but I haven’t been able to determine whether one can use the touchscreen to actuate the shutter. Do you happen to know whether you can touch the screen to shoot?

  68. Thank you for this excellent and exciting review. I have been waiting for a compact, full frame, interchangeable lens camera for a long time, and I have been waiting with great anticipation for this camera’s release. I’ve watched every YouTube video I can find, but there isn’t much useful information about its stills performance, which is the only kind of photography I do.
    Your review provides exactly the kind of information I’ve been looking for, and honestly, you describe a much more high-quality and exciting experience than I was expecting. This might be the camera I’ve been waiting for. I will look forward to your upcoming reviews.

  69. Hi,
    Have already tested this lovely camera (also with my M lenses)! I absolutely agree with you about the perfect camera with 24 mp……… but I will never understand, why Sigma does not provide a swivel monitor with the fp. This would make the perfect travel camera…….and I could leave my S1 at home sometimes. Maybe the next series?

  70. Thanks for this Steve! This is just the review I’ve been waiting for since the initial announcement of this camera. I’ve also had the idea to pair it with Voigtlander VM glass
    and the results you’ve shown are very convincing. Not sure if you have Leica TL lenses in your possession, but I’ve got the new CL and I’m very curious to see how some of the TL lenses I already have will pair up with the FP – for both video and stills.

    • Thanks William. Only issue with using a TL lens, is that they are APS-C so your megapixels will go down to something like 9 if I remember correctly. Cropped. I do not own any TL lenses. Thank you.

  71. Hi Steve,
    Great start to the rolling review. Love your enthusiasm! Trying to wrap my head around the VF. Is it simply a no electronics View Finder like a Hoodman? Or are there any electronics?

  72. Steve, looks very interesting. Can you do a tripod/night shot (star field in the background) at say <13s with your 21mm?

    • Hi Steve, does it mean you have not come across any issues with the M mount lenses so far?
      I like the size but not necessarily the length with VF attached 🙂

  73. Thanks, Steve! Looking forward to more words and images. Question: the viewfinder, I assume, is basically Similar to a Hoodman loupe, right? Or what the those Sigma Quattro uses? Thanks

    • Thank you. This VF is much nicer than any woodman I have ever looked through. First off, it’s super solid and bolts to the bottom of the camera (comes with the bracket) and the IQ looking through is amazing. It brings a 2.5X magnified view of the LCD so it appears as if you are using a huge, bright, clear EVF. So it’s the same concept as the woodman but IMO, much better quality and optics.

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